Page 21 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 21


                                    Meanwhile,    China   and  India   are  arm,   organize    and   command
                                    rapidly    increasinB    their   oi  tlie    terrorists.    That    is  almost
                                    consumption    because   of  indus-  impossible     in   the    near    or
                                    trialization    and   have   the   dollars  medium   terms,   particularly    as
                                    to  pay  for  it.  Together   they   are  the   fundamentalists    do   not
                                    home   to  2.5   billion   people   who  hesitate    to   kill   their   Muslim
                                    would   like   to   use   energy   as  opponents,     as    in   Algerta,
                                    freely   as  their   Western   counter-  Morocco,     Tunisia,     Egypt,
                                    parts.   There   is  so  much   unfilled  Indonesia    and   Malaysia.
                                    demand   that   it  will  rise   in  abso-
                                     ute  terms  even  if  leadin@   edge  Oil  is  the   indispensable    resour-
                                    conservation     technologies     are  ce  because   everybody    covets   it.
                                    put   in  place.         The   terrorists    want   to  control   it
                                                             to    @et   the   money    needed    to
                                    Some   of   that   rise   may   be  dam-  seize   political   power   or   to  use   it
                                    pened   by  falls   in  rich   countries,  as  an  economic    weapon.   Those
                                    which   have   nuclear   electricity  fighting   terrorism    prize   it  becau-
                                    and  high   technology    for   energy  se   it    is  indispensable    for  the
                                    conservation.    They   are   also  prosperity    of    people     of   a
                                    becoming     service   rather   than  nations.   The  US   is  the   world's
                                    bricks   and   mortar   economies.  number   one  oil   consumer   but
                                    But   third   world   demand    wi  oil  from   the  Gulf   is  less   impor-
                                    inevitably    rise   as  they   industria-  tant   Tor   it  than    for  almost   all
                                    lize.  They   have   no  choice   but   oil  other   rich  countries.    It  imports
                                    since   they   are  denied    nuclear  only   9  percent   of   needs   and   just
                                    electricity    because   of  Western  one   quarter    of  those   imports
                                    rvars   of  accidents    or  misuse   to  come   from   the   Gulf.  The   per-
                                    liroduce   weapons   grade   mate-  centa@e   shares   of  imports  and
                                    rials.   Coal-based    thermal   power  the    Gulfs     share    in   those
                                    is  declining     and   alternatives  mports   are   much   higher    for
           very   costly   and  the  quality   of
                                    such    as  solar   and  wind    ener-  almost    all   other    industrialized
           reserves   is  lower.   At  25  billion
                                    gies   are   still   too   expensive.  countries.
           barrels,  Russia   has  lar@e   reser-
           ves   but   Kuwait   alone   has   twice
           as  much.
           Nor   can   the   Caspian    region
           come    to    the   rescue,   even   if
           several    new   pipelines    were
           built.   The   lar@est  estimate   for
           Caspian     Basin    reserves     is
           about   50  billion   barrels,   which

           is equal   to   Kuwait's   reserves.
           But  only   about   25  billion   bar-
           rels   are   accessible    and   bringing
           them   to   market    will   be   very
           slow   and   expensive.
           Iraqi   oil  might   be  the   only   hope
           because    its   reserves,    esti
           ted  at  112   billion   barrels,   are
           easily   accessible    and   high   qua-
           lity.  A  U.S.-friendly    Iraqi   regime
           might   produce    and   sell   oil
                                                              because    oiJ    affects   jobs   and
           according    to  Western   preferen-  seem   to  want   regime   change   in
                                                              prosperity    everywhere.
           ces,  but   its  installation    and   sur-  Saudi    Arabia,     unchallenged
                                                              Many   argue   that   Mr.  Bush   trig-
           vival   is  tar   from   certain.  power   in   Iraq   and   politica
                                                              gered    much   suffering    through
                                     influence    as  kingmakers    in  al
                                                              an   unnecessary     invasion    for
           Although   Saudi   Arabia   proacti-  Islamic     countries.     The    US,
                                                              illegitimate    reasons.   Whatever
           vely  manages   supplies   to  pre-  Europe    and   most    non-lslamic
           vent   high   prices,   its  reasons   are  countries    will  never   allow   that  the   truth,   we  cannot   turn   back
                                                              the   clock.   We  have    no  choice
           not   altruistic.   It   does   not   want  to  happen.
                                                              but   to  act   toqether    to  help   bring
           prices   to  be  so  high   as  to  make
                                                              peace    to   Iraq.   Otherwise,    oil
           alternative     energies    profitable  Success   is   possible   if  moderate
                                                              may   be  turned   into   a  nightmare
            enough  to  be  pursued  in  a  bi@  Islam   turns   the   silent   majority   of  being    a
           way.   That   would   kill  the   goose  Islamic   people   against   the   terro-  weapon,    instead    of
                                                              gateway   to  prosperity.
           that   currently   lays  the  golden  rists.  But   that   would   mean   tur-
            eggs   Tar  Saudis.      ning   against   the   fundamentalist
                                                                            Brij   Khindaria
                                     Islamic   mullahs    who   finance,
                                                                                                  7.2004   Diva   19
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