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P. 22

irak special

                                                                     strong traditions, but all over the place, people                I have an idea that this was the first example   “The Babylonians believed in ghosts,
                                                                     who are in charge of money think, “Well, do                      of  “normal”  practice.  Homo  sapiens  arrives
                                                                     we really need this? Is it of any use?”                          in  Europe.  What  do  they  do?  They  kill  all   and they produced a huge amount of
                                                                                                                                      the  blokes  and  marry  the  women.  They’re   writing about them, how to get rid of
                                                                     I  believe  in  being  assertive  in  saying  why                probably dark looking, hairy and all sorts of
                                                                     it’s  important.  There  are  lots  of  really  good             things like that.                      them, what they looked like, what it
                                                                     reasons, and one involves politicians. It’s very                                                        meant when they were there, how to
                                                                     common for them to think, when they look                         You know people all over Britain are looking
                                                                     back on what they know about the history of                      into their DNA to find out about their roots.  exorcise them, how to bring them up
                                                                     the world, that they in themselves represent                     The fact is that DNA contains a good amount   from the dead.”
                                                                     the  highest  achievement  of  humankind                         of stuff from the Neanderthals, and when it
                                                                     because they are the leaders.                                    was first published people gave the impression
                                                                                                                                      that  a  couple  of  Neanderthal  girls  got  a  bit
                                                                     The  fact  is  that  the  human  race  has  not                  drunk  at  the  party  and  ended  up  with  an  Mesopotamia;  it’s  called  The  First  Ghosts.
                                                                     evolved at all in any way which is noticeable or                 unwanted pregnancy and that’s how we have it  The Babylonians believed in ghosts, and they
                                                                     important. The corollary of that is that human                   in our genetic pool. But of course, it isn’t. They  produced  a  huge  amount  of  writing  about
                                                                     beings have been making the same mistakes                        must have murdered the men, all of them, and  them, how to get rid of them, what they looked
                                                                     over and over. If you consider what’s happened                   married  the  women.  And  that  explains  why  like, what it meant when they were there, how
                                                                     since  the  beginning  of  writing,  what  with                  it’s still such a strong trait. The whites come,  to exorcise them, how to bring them up from
                                                                     nations  with  tyrants  and  judicious  religious                they like the land, they kill off the indigenous  the dead.
                               open the Olympics with the blazing torches,   leaders as well as corrupt ones, it’s the same all       people,  marry  their  women.  So,  in  the  very
                               we should have some young person running   the way through. It is an unchanging disaster               first  stage  of  history,  we  have  this  happen  Before that, I wrote a book called The Ark Before
                               around the museum all the time, passing the   because people are not living by intelligence            like the Americans with the Indians and the  Noah,  which  was  based  upon  a  cuneiform
                               torches round and round and round.    but sex drive, greed, commerce, violence, all                    Australians with the Aboriginals.      tablet  which  came  to  light  from  a  visited
                                                                     those things.                                                                                           museum. It was part of the flood story which
                               So,  you  think  there  should  be  some                                                               Things like racial prejudice are there from the  we had already known about in Mesopotamia
                               international movement?               It’s amazing to me that the world does work at                   beginning  of  the  species.  It  seems  endemic  since the 19th century. This was a tablet which
                               I  would  think  so.  All  the  directors  of  those   all when people are so uncivilized. It’s really   to the human race to be religious – and to be  was written in about 1800 B.C., and it was the
                               museums  should  know  that  they’re  holding   extraordinary  that  murder  doesn’t  happen           racially  prejudiced  against  the  other.  So,  it’s  moment when the gods told a human being to
                               hands,  linking  arms,  and  if  someone’s  rude   every five minutes. I have a kind of naive idea     very difficult to expect racism to disappear. I  build an ark because the floods will come. So,
                               about St. Petersburg, well, just a minute, and   that  if  teachers,  clergymen  and  other  such      think we should take history and archaeology  he did and put all the animals in it, and that’s
                               then the other museums will come down on   people  had  a  really  good  grasp  of  what  we           and  writing  as  a  kind  of  tapestry:  the  more  the story behind Noah in the Bible, but it was a
                               the offender.                         can see humans have done since they arrived,                     you  know  of  the  stitching,  the  more  you  thousand years older.
                                                                     they’d  be  a  bit  more  modest  about  being                   understand why we’re in such a mess.
                               What about recruitment to your field?  dogmatic.                                                                                              So, it’s real?
                               It’s not good because of the disasters of how                                                          Apart  from  YouTube  do  you  have  other  Real I don’t know, but in ancient Iraq, they had
                               museums are treated. This country has been   Before  Homo  sapiens,  there  were  the                  channels that people can watch?        this flood story with a boat that rescued life at
                               financially undermined. People in Britain say   Neanderthals.  I  don’t  know  how  many               The  thing  about  the  British  Museum  and  least a thousand years before the one in the
                               that science is of prime importance and the   hundreds  of  thousands  of  years  they  lived          YouTube is that they get people who know about  Bible because the Euphrates and Tigris rivers
                               arts generally aren’t. By arts I mean theaters,   in  Europe  before  Homo  sapiens  turned  up.       their  own  subject,  and  who  are  enthusiastic  which  bring  all  the  water  there  sometimes
                               cinema,  painting  and  all  that.  “We  do  not   The thing about them is they were physically        about  it,  and  then  they  do  videos  and  post  flood.  There  must  have  been  a  very  serious
                               really  need  that,  and  it’s  not  so  important.”   slight in build compared to us but their brain   them on YouTube. There’s someone who does  flood. When the Judeans after the destruction
                               Museum departments, which are in the arts   capacity was slightly larger. They survived ice            clocks  and  watches,  some  good  things  about  of  Jerusalem  were  taken  to  Babylon  under
                               suffer badly. They don’t teach Latin and Greek   ages and ate mammoths, and they obviously             ancient Egypt, about the Romans etc. Several  Nebuchadnezzar,  they  heard  this  story.  In
                               very  much  anymore,  which  used  to  be  the   had a language and they married their sisters         of the curators do videos but some won’t. It’s  the  construction  of  the  Genesis  book,  they
                               staple of proper education.           and bred, and they were healthy and strong                       a  widespread  thing,  and  it’s  a  very  beneficial  decided  to  take  the  narrative  as  a  teaching
                                                                     individuals and they buried their dead.                          matter. I’m all in favor of it.        structure in the Hebrew text which then went
                               Several of the departments where Assyriology,                                                                                                 into  Greek  and  Latin  and  Christianity.  So,
                               cuneiform  used  to  be  taught  don’t  do  it   But  the  interesting  thing  is  that  for  about    I  just  heard  that  you  said  you  have  written  what is so extraordinary is that the god who
                               anymore. So, it’s shrinking. There are countries,   600,000  years  they  were  here  then  homo       a book, a new book. Could you tell us more  has this information gave the size of the boat,
                               Holland, Germany, America and France and   sapiens arrived and very soon afterwards they               about it?                              the shape of it and all the materials you need
                               other  places,  where  there  are  or  have  been   disappeared.                                       I  wrote  a  book  about  the  ghosts  of  ancient  to make it.

                                                                                                                                                                               Ramos Horta
                                                                           w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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