Page 47 - Diva_3_2024_Irak Special_
P. 47

irak special

 Interview with   Despite  my  natural  attraction  to  the  arts,  I
               chose  to  pursue  academic  studies  in  natural
 Loubna Yassen  sciences,  specialising  in  biochemistry  at

 Dutch-Syrian artist  Damascus  University.  To  further  hone  my
               artistic skills, I enrolled in the Adham Ismail
               Institute of fine arts in Syria. This educational
               experience  allowed  me  to  delve  deeper  into
               the world of visual expression, providing me
               with a solid foundation in artistic techniques.
               Subsequently, I decided to explore journalism,
               inspired  by  my  father’s  career,  and  took
               courses  at  the  Horizon  Institute  in  Riyadh.
               This phase of my education equipped me with
               the  necessary  skills  to  navigate  the  dynamic
               world of journalism.

               The  diverse  educational  background,  spanning
               both the sciences and the arts, reflects my holistic
               approach to learning and my desire to integrate
               various  facets  of  knowledge  into  a  cohesive
               understanding of the world. The unique blend
               of influences from my family, academic pursuits,
               and artistic endeavours has shaped my abilities
               and created a broad perspective.

               Given your different activities, do you have one
               that is particularly close to your heart?
               While I have had the privilege of showcasing my
               artistic and literary expressions throughout my   You have organized painting exhibits for refugee children. Could you
               career, I do find myself more drawn to writing   tell us about this project?
               than to painting. I find myself able to thoroughly   Certainly. Organizing art workshops for refugee children was a project
               bring  social  or  political  issues  to  light  with   that  aimed  to  address  the  psychological  challenges  faced  by  these
               my  writing.  More  specifically;  I  have  had  four   children  in  the  wake  of  wars  and  forced  migration.  The  initiative
               personal  exhibitions  and  published  thirteen   was carried out in collaboration with a dedicated group, all sharing
               books. I find, when delving into the specifics of   a common goal of providing a therapeutic outlet for these children to
               my literary contributions, seven of these books   heal through artistic expression and envision a brighter future.
               stand out as collections  of short  stories. These
               compilations  represent  a  significant  portion  of   The primary objective of the project was to encourage the participating
               my  creative  output,  emphasising  my  love  and   children to channel their emotions, hopes, and dreams onto canvases.
 She  is  a  Dutch-Syrian  artist  who  wears  many   in  my  case,  for  I  was  raised  in  a  household   passion for short-storytelling.  This  psychologically  gives  them  room  to  express  and  recover  and
 different hats. Recently, she was the co-organiser   where  creativity  and  intellectual  pursuits  were      provides  a  good  outlet  for  expression.  The  act  of  visualising  their
 of  an  international  conference  on  intellectual   valued.  My  father’s  role  as  a  prominent  writer   One  notable  recognition  that  holds  a  special   aspirations and future through art served as a form of psychological
 property  in  Baghdad,  where  she  also  did  a   and  journalist,  as  well  as  a  notable  political   place in my heart is winning the first prize for   recovery, fostering their sense of empowerment and resilience.
 presentation of her latest book. She is a nice and   figure,  and  my  mother’s  passion  for  drawing,   migrant literature in the Netherlands with one
 friendly person who took of her precious time to   laid the foundation for my own journey. From   of  my  short  stories.  This  accolade  serves  as  a   The  project  then  took  form  in  two  exhibitions  hosted  in  different
 answer all our numerous questions. The floor is   an  early  age,  I  found  myself  attracted  to  both   poignant  affirmation  that  short  stories  are  not   galleries  within  the  city,  showcasing  the  artwork  created  by  these
 yours Ms Loubna, …  writing and drawing. The role models at home   only a substantial part of my body of work but   children. In addition to the exhibitions, the project extended its reach
    encouraged  the  development  of  these  talents,   also hold a particular significance for me. The   by involving the children in an annual caravan colouring contest in
 You  are  a  woman  of  many  talents:  journalist,   and my childhood writings even found outlets   acknowledgment  from  the  literary  community   Groningen. This not only added a festive and celebratory element to
 artist, and writer. Could you tell us a little about   in children’s magazines and school publications.   in  the  Netherlands  underscores  the  emotional   the initiative but also allowed the children to connect with a broader
 your background?  This  early  success  fueled  my  passion  for   depth and cultural resonance embedded in my   audience, raising awareness within this audience and further integrating
 The influence of family on my talents is evident   storytelling and artistic expression.  short stories.  them into their new community.

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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