Page 48 - Bulletin, Vol.79 No.1, February 2020
P. 48

any cost is already a lost battle. What kind of nature do we want? To leave it to happen
            and accept an ineluctable but uncertain evolution or favour a proactive management to
            respond  to  the  wishes  of  the  public?  In  the  latter  case,  why  not  bio-manipulate  our
            waterways intelligently by introducing species that are better adapted to the ecological
            environment  today  and  in  the  future,  and  that  would  be  useful  for  both  productive
            activities and leisure?

            This  is  not  an  appeal  to  the  great  unknown,  as  some  will  certainly  consider,  but  an
            appeal for a more rational approach to the management of the magnificent nature of
            Europe where

            those who have contributed to its concept can be happy. We must remember that some
            of  the  most  emblematic  waterways  of  France  were  created  artificially,  such  as
            Camargue or the reservoir of the Lac de Der, both listed by Ramsar .

            As  is  the  Verbois  barrage  on  the  Rhone  in  the  region  of  Geneva.   Is man the real
            enemy of biodiversity?

                         Article proposed by D. MODAFFARI, translated by Elisabeth BELCHAMBER

               The  Ramsar  Convention,  officially  Convention  on  Wetlands  of  International  Importance,
            especially waterfowl habitats, also known as the Convention on Wetlands, is an international
            treaty signed on 2 February 1971.

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