Page 49 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.3, December 2024
P. 49

177. The Board also requested that the Pension Administration propose options for
            a longer-term mechanism for amending the small pension scale for presentation at
            the  April  2025  Board  session,  with  the  final  proposal  to  be  presented  at  the  July
            2025 Board session.


                                   GUEST OF HONOUR OF 2025

                                                                              By Evelina RIOUKHINA

            One  of  the  most  important  external             Cantons  of  Appenzell),  as  well  as  to  the
            activities  organised  by  AFICS  is  our           Canton  of  Glarus,  which  is  not  very  well
            monthly  Carrefour International  meetings          known here, but which aroused particular
            at  the  Cité  Seniors,  which  take  place         interest during our discussion: its history,
            every first Wednesday of the month, from            culture, geography (Sardona, a UNESCO
            2 to 4pm. These meetings are the result             heritage site), but also the Linthal region
            of  a  fabulous  joint  initiative  by  our         with Europe's highest dam, its solar farm
            President Odette Foudral and the City of            at  an  altitude  of  2,500  metres,  and  its
            Geneva.                                             five-storey  hydroelectric  power  station,
                                                                which can serve as a model of an energy
            During 2024, we paid tribute to the Swiss           battery  for  Europe,  and  which  is  literally
            Cantons, to show our deep respect to the            “hidden”  inside  the  mountain.  Seeing
            Host  Country.  We  were  fortunate  that           such  an  interest,  we  took  a  trip  to  the
            these meetings were so informative that,            Canton  to  learn  more  about  the  Dam,
            surprisingly,  they  also  raised  the  interest    visited the power station and went ‘inside’
            of our Swiss colleagues (who have been              the  mountain,  and  you  can  find  the
            Swiss  for  several  generations!).  This           detailed report of this trip in this issue of
            convinced  us  that  we  had  met  a                the Bulletin.
            challenge! At the same time, we are very
            grateful to René Guénard and Viviane for            We  then  travelled  to  the  Cantons  of  St.
            their  advice,  active  participation  and          Gallen,  Schaffhausen  and  Thurgau  for  a
            interest.  Of  course,  covering  all  26           historical  and  cultural  tour,  paying
            cantons  in  a  single  year  is  impossible.       particular  attention  to  Switzerland's  only
            Each  canton  has  an  interest  in  its  own       trilingual  Canton  Graubünden,  which  is
            right,  but,  however,  we  did  manage  to         also Switzerland's largest canton, but also
            cover  all  the  cantons  farthest  away  from      a  very  special  one,  often  referred  to  as
            Geneva.  Starting  with  the  cantons  which        ‘the  Switzerland  within  Switzerland’.  And
            founded  the  Swiss  Confederation  -               why is that? We may tell you more about
            Schwyz,  Uri,  Obwalden  and  Nidwalden  -          it in the next Bulletin or, even better: why
            we  then  moved  on  to  the  traditions  and       not take a trip there together, or organise
            customs  of  Appenzelland  (of  the  two            a  journey  for  our  members  in  this  very

            AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No.3, 2024-12                                                47

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