Page 10 - DIVA_1_2024
P. 10
“humanity to reinforcing and protecting human rights Regrettably, of course, we’re facing a situation
in the digital world in which we are already wherein the fundamental principles and rules
will be
living and which is evolving so rapidly and of the international order as we have known it
able to unpredictably. over the past several decades are being put to
find its a test – by wars of aggression and other armed
These remarks are, of course, my personal conflicts which indeed are devastating in many
unity and reflections. Regarding Bulgaria’s national ways. In spite of this, I believe that sooner or
address the position, the reflections are on-going with a later this state of affairs will be overcome.
challenges view to finding the right approach, the right Humanity will be able to find its unity and
balance, so as on the one hand, to prevent address the challenges which are ahead of us.
which are disinformation and the new means of
ahead generating and spreading such disinformation Bulgaria’s commitment is to contribute. We
from badly damaging the interests of know that alone we will not be in a position to
of us.”
individuals, of groups of people, of societies achieve much, so we need to join forces with
and nations, of the international community others in order to be able to have a multiplying
as a whole. And on the other hand to ensure effect and achieve progress in addressing these
that these new developments will not affect challenges. It’s not just a challenge for one or
individual human rights around the globe in for a group of nations. It’s a challenge for all
a way that would indeed be detrimental not the humanity. And that’s the purpose of us
only to individual development, but to our being here in Geneva as well as our colleagues
humanity as a whole, and rather be directed to in New York, where we are under the umbrella
the benefit of humans and humanity. So we are of the overarching global structure of the
reflecting on these complex and complicated United Nations Organization.
issues, and working together with other
nations to find the right solutions. As you said, Geneva is a hub of many activities.
Are there some in particular that you would
Bulgaria will sit on the Human Rights Council like to mention?
as of 1 January: this will, of course, increase There are plenty of issues in Geneva to deal
significantly the workload of your mission. with. Artificial intelligence is one of them,
How are you going to manage? and the developments in the digital field are
Bulgaria is not alone at the HRC. If we join something obvious. We’re also facing and
efforts, we can use the comparative advantages addressing the challenges in the fields of health
of many of the nations in Geneva, of the many and health policies. We’re still overcoming
missions that are here, for we have a common the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic
interest in doing this jointly. This way, I think, and trying to foresee what might be the next
we can achieve a lot. challenge in this area. This impels to the
creation of mechanisms and means of closer
We are doing this within the European Union. cooperation and faster kinds of tracking. In
In the EU we have established mechanisms, this regard the World Health Organisation
procedures and settings for cooperation, which is, let’s say, the primary setting where we are
have proven their efficiency over the years. looking for opportunities to do better.
But of course, we are not limiting ourselves
to a relatively small group of nations, for the We are expecting Bulgaria to join the Executive
challenges we are facing have a global impact. Board of the World Health Organisation in
We need to seek partnerships and cooperation 2024. We hope this will happen in May when
from all parts of our world. I believe that the the World Health Assembly has to endorse our
majority of the nations around the globe are candidacy. Our Executive Board candidacy
aware of these challenges and are willing to has already been approved by the WHO
seek common solutions and cooperation regional committee for Europe at its session
– primarily within the UN and its system of in Astana last October, and the next World
agencies and organizations, including here in Health Assembly is expected to endorse our
Geneva. membership.
0 w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h