Page 16 - DIVA_1_2024
P. 16

Water as a source of life and interfaith


                                   The world is undeniably facing a challenge of  and safeguarding it for the future generations
                                   historic  proportions,  that  of  climate  change.  squarely  fits  in  this  outlook.  Second,  we
                                   It is the challenge of this generation. Lest we  represent large groups of concerned citizens
                                   fail, the planet may not remain the hospitable  who  are  organized  in  the  local,  regional,
                                   place it is for humankind. The repercussions  national and international level. In this sense,
                                   have already started to be felt and impact all  they are ready to be agents for change.
                                   of us in multiple ways.
                                                                          This was the approach of the panel we held at
                                   This was the focus of the COP28 conference  COP28 in its Faith Pavilion, the first time such
                                   that took place recently in Dubai, UAE. World  a  site  was  created,  bringing  together  people
                                   leaders, diplomats, academics, businesspeople  from  all  corners  of  the  globe  with  shared
                                   and  civil  society  activists  came  together  to  preoccupations. Our three organizations, the
                                   generate support for action to promote more  Islamic  World  Educational,  Scientific  and
                                   sustainable  policies.  In  this  framework,  we,  Cultural  Organization  (ICESCO),  the  UN
                                   Christians,  Jews  and  Muslims  have  come  University  for  Peace  and  the  World  Jewish
                                   together,  to  raise  our  voice  in  support  of  Congress came together to discuss the topic of
                                   climate action and cooperation.        “Climate Change, Water and Peace,“ together
                                                                          with  partners  from  the  Muslim  Council
                                   Faith communities are amongst the best placed  of  Elders,  the  United  Nations  Institute
                                   actors to advocate on this topic. First, religions  for  Training  and  Research,  We  are  Water
                                   are based on values, and those values call on  Foundation, the UNESCO Chair of the Abat
                                   us to be measured, charitable and not inflict  Oliba  University,  the  Global  Hope  Network
                                   pain  to  others.  Respecting  the  environment  International and the Reichman University.

                                                                               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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