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                   formulate implementable solutions. For instance, in my
                   2013  report  to  the  General  Assembly  and  in  my  book
                   Building  a  Just  World  Order[4],  I  formulated  specific
                   proposals on reforming the United Nations, in particular
                   the Security Council. In my 2014 report, which is devoted
                   to the theory and practice of self-determination, I showed
                   how it is not self-determination that causes wars, but the
                   unjust denial thereof. I demonstrated how the realization
                   of the right of self-determination of all peoples can be a
                   primary  conflict-prevention  strategy.  I  decry  that  the
                   reports of special rapporteurs and independent experts
                   are routinely filed away and forgotten. As I told the Human
                   Rights  Council  and  General  Assembly,  there  must  be
                   some  sort  of  follow-up  mechanism  so  that  the
                   recommendations of the rapporteurs can be monitored.
                   Otherwise we are but an “assembly of Cassandras”. I also
                   made proposals for the adoption of codes of ethics for
                   several  institutions  and  for  the  non-governmental                            Millennium solidarity
                   organizations. I called for the adoption of a Charter on                          “La misere tue”
                   the Rights of Whistleblowers.

                   My book Countering Mainstream Narratives[5] contains a
                   long  chapter  on  the  First  Nations  of  North  and  South
                   America and how these peoples were never decolonized,
                   how they suffered genocide and in spite of everything still
                   conserve their history and culture. It is a moral obligation
                   to rehabilitate the indigenous populations of all countries
                   and at least give them back some of their stolen lands and
                   the opportunity to live their identities in safety and dignity.
                   I  describe  the  skewed  narratives  that  led  to  the  2003
                   invasion of Iraq, the so-called “Arab Spring”, that for many
                   Arabs turned out to be an Arab hell (just think of Libya!),
                   the provocations that led to the illegal Russian invasion of

                   My  newest  book  The  Human  Rights  Industry[6]
                   documents  the  failures  of  many  institutions  and
                   specifically  calls  for  reform  of  the  Office  of  the  High   Cyprus lecture
                   Commissioner  for  Human  Rights,  the  Human  Rights
                   Council,  the  International  Criminal  Court  and  the
                   Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.   [1]
                   One  of  its  chapters  deals  with  the  voting  record  of   [2]
                   countries on a number of crucial resolutions adopted (or   instruments/declaration-right-peoples-peace
                   rejected)  in  the  General  Assembly  and  Human  Rights   [3]
                   Council. It is extremely revealing how countries that claim   committee/right-to-peace
                   to  be  “democratic”  and  respectful  of  the  “rule  of  law”   [4]
                   actually vote. As has been said, “The proof of the pudding   world-order/
                   is in the eating”. Many countries that claim to be “leaders”   [5]
                   in human rights turn out to be sheer hypocrites when we   freedomcountering-the-mainstream-narratives-fake-news-
                   see how their representatives have voted.             fake-law-fake-freedom/
                   Part two of this interview in DIVA International 2 - 2024  industry/

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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