Page 15 - Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center_Sep.2022
P. 15

Cardiorespiratory Monitors
30 state-of-the-art cardiorespiratory monitors are needed.
Donation requested for naming each monitor: $12,000

Incubators (Isolettes) and Heated Cribs
26 dual incubators, 25 closed regular incubators, 15 open incubators (with overhead heaters),
and 30 heated cribs are needed.
Donation requested for naming: $45,000 for each dual incubator
Donation requested for naming: $20,000 for each closed incubator
Donation requested for naming: $20,000 for each open incubator
Donation requested for naming: $10,000 for each heated crib

Donor recognition will be provided on each device at the Neonatal Care Center.
Donations over $100,000 will also be listed on the Soroka Donors’ Wall of Honor.

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