Page 7 - Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center_Sep.2022
P. 7


The Neonatal Department at Soroka Medical Center is the busiest in the country and one
of Israel’s finest. More than 15% of all newborn infants have serious medical problems that
require intensive or special care. Soroka’s Neonatal Department cares for several thousand of
these infants annually.

The physical conditions of the old Neonatal Department, built in the 1980s, are outdated
and no longer sufficient or appropriate. Each year, a significant number of infants must be
transferred to other parts of the country because beds are unavailable for them. Premature
babies may be hospitalized for several months, so transferring them is extremely traumatic
for infants, mothers, and their families.

As the only medical center in the Negev, our mission is to serve the entire population that
depends on us. Not being able to do so is simply unacceptable.

The Need                                                   Soroka Medical center is
◌		to construct an urgently needed missile-proof facility  establishing a new Neonatal
◌	 	to increase the number of intensive and special 		     Care Center that will serve all
                                                           newborns in the Negev and
		care beds from 58 to 88 in response to                   provide world-class medical
                                                           care in a family-oriented
		population growth.                                       environment that is fully
                                                           protected against missile
◌	t	o provide adequate space in which to implement         attacks.

		family-centered integrated neonatal care, meeting        Timetable

		the needs and respecting the privacy of parents,         Construction began in
                                                           the spring of 2022 and is
		infants, and families.                                   planned to be completed
                                                           by middle of 2025.
◌	 	to upgrade the neonatal care center with state-of-

		the-art equipment and technologies.

◌	t	o better accommodate the teaching needs of the

		more than 150 medical students and other

		healthcare professionals trained annually in the

		Neonatal Department.

The new Neonatal Care Center will be housed in a four-story, missile-proof building
with an area of 5,730 square meters (more than 61,500 square feet).
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