P. 19

Here’s to the spirit

                 of the game and the

                  quest for greatness!

              We can’t even begin to express how                event. They exemplify our community’s
              proud we are to host the U18 AAA                  capacity to work together to not just get

              Central Region Championships in                   the job done, but to do so successfully
              Windsor. We feel certain that we speak  and in a memorable way.

              for the entire community when we                  To our guests: we hope you enjoy
              welcome the many teams and their                  the games and we encourage you to

              supporters to our beautiful city. We              explore all of Central Park’s amenities,
              wish everyone good luck on the ice                along with everything our city and region

              and hope they fully embrace the spirit            have to offer. It’s the best place to play,
              of competition and sportsmanship that             on and off the ice!

              define a great tournament.

              Our congratulations go out to the

              Windsor AAA Zone who, working
              alongside the Ontario Hockey

              Federation, have organized this amazing

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