P. 3

Proud Branch Of
                                        ONTARIO HOCKEY FEDERATION

                                        400 Sheldon Drive, Unit 9, Cambridge, Ontario N1T 2H9
                                                   T: 226 533.9070  F: 519 620.7476

                                         On behalf of the Ontario Hockey Federation, its Board of Directors and
                                         the entire OHF community, I welcome you to 2023 U18 AAA Central
                                         Region Championships!

                                         As we know there has been a lot of discussion over the last few years
                                         amongst Hockey Canada, the Ontario Hockey Federation and the OHF
                                         members about ensuring the player experience is a positive one.

                  To that end we are so appreciative of Windsor Zone AAA, the grassroots volunteers who have
                  boots on the ground that work extremely hard and make sure this is a memorable Championship
                  for all involved.  You epitomize everything that is good about hockey.

                  This Championship will provide an opportunity for our participating athletes to showcase their
                  perseverance, teamwork, technical skills, and emotional strength, celebrating the culmination of
                  the hard work, commitment and learning of many weeks and months of training prior to this
                  Championship.  This is an opportunity for all of you to strive to be your physical best, to tackle, to
                  strategize, to pass, to shoot, to score, and to just keep going.

                  Perhaps even more importantly, this will be a memorable milestone in that fleeting experience we
                  call minor hockey. Ideally, years or decades from now, you will look back to this week with fond
                  memories and a sense of personal and team accomplishment.

                  I wish everyone success in this Championship, but also emphasize that sportsmanship, friendships,
                  and the cultural experiences are what make these Championships so very special.  Please
                  represent your team, association, and community with pride.

                  Please enjoy your time here in Windsor, Ontario. Give it your all, on the ice and be sure to say
                  thanks and give a stick tap to the coaches, managers, game officials, volunteers and the dozens of
                  people behind the scenes who help make this Championship possible.

                  John Kastner
                  Chair of the Board
                  Ontario Hockey Federation

             OHF Members
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