Page 5 - ips katalog yeni.cdr
P. 5

As  IPS  Mach ne  Technolog es,  we  bel eve  that  we  can  ach eve  much  greater
                                                                                        success  n a short per od of t me, g ven the  mportance we attach to customer
                                                                                        sat sfact on, the work we do and the met culous care we take  n these works. We
                                                                                        carry  out  mach ne  manufactur ng  and  turnkey  plant  projects,  part cularly  for
                                                                                        gypsum, construct on chem cals, perl te, calc te, cement, b ms, concrete, l me,
                                                                                        gypsum  board,  m n ng,  fert l zer  and  feed  sectors,  w th  our  exper enced
                                                                                        eng neer ng  team,  des gn  and  solut on-or ented  perspect ve.  We  cont nue  our
                                                                                        work by expand ng our range of products year by year and prov d ng serv ces  n a
                                                                                        more comprehens ve field.

                                                                                        The  plants  bu lt  by  IPS  Mach ne  Technolog es  cover  60%  of  Turk sh  gypsum
                                                                                        product on  capac ty,  85%  of  Azerba jan   gypsum  product on  capac ty,  80%  of
                                                                                        Azerba jan  calc te product on capac ty and 80% of Azerba jan  perl te product on
                                                                                        capac ty. Furthermore, our company prov des serv ces to several compan es  n
                                                                                        cont guous countr es  n the  ndustr al and construct on sectors.
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