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Unit 5
          Vocabulary  Personality adjectives

              1   2.17  Listen and repeat. Are these adjectives positive (P) or
             negative (N)?                                                     Pronunciation  Intonation
                                                                              in questions and answers
              cheerful   P   clever   friendly  generous   hard-working   lazy
          moody       selfish   shy    stupid    talkative    unfriendly
                                                                               4a     2.19   Listen and repeat the

                                                                                 question and answer.
          Word list  page 77 Workbook page 108

                                                                                     A Is Amy clever?
          2   Find the opposites in Exercise 1.                                      B Yes, she is.

               1 cheerful   moody       3 friendly    5 generous
               2 clever           4 hard-working      6 shy                      b  Read the questions and answers.
                                                                                 Where does the voice go up and
          3    2.18  Complete the sentences with adjectives from Exercise 1.     where does it go down?
             Then listen and check.                                                1  A Is George cheerful?

                                                                                     B Yes, he is.

                                                                                   2  A Is Alex talkative?

                                                                                     B No, he isn’t.

                                                                                   3  A Is Penny selfish?

                                                                                     B No, she isn’t.
                                                                              c     2.20  Listen, check and
        1  Diana isn’t     2  George is     3  Sara doesn’t    4  Frank doesn’t   repeat.

            stupid .  She’s   usually happy.   think about   like working.

          very clever.     He’s a     boy    other people.   He’s    .

                                            She’s          .
                                                                               5  What about you?  Choose
                                                                                 three adjectives to describe
                                                                                 yourself. Read your
                                                                                 description to your partner.
                                                                                   I’m usually happy and
                                                                                cheerful and I think I’m
                                                                                     very friendly.
          5  Bea is very      6  Sometimes Eric   7  Nicola isn’t        8  Joe speaks all
         nice to people.   is happy, and   nice to people.   the time. He’s

         She’s    .       then he’s sad.   She’s          .          very    .            I think I’m friendly and

                          He’s     .                                                 talkative  but I’m sometimes

                                                                                     Brain Trainer Activity 4
                                                                                        Go to page 116
         9  Alex doesn’t     10  Penny often      11  Cathy studies   12  Spot isn’t a

         talk to people    gives things     every day.          dog. He’s

         when he doesn’t   to her friends.   She’s    .      stupid   .

         know them. He’s   She’s     .

         very    .

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