Page 35 - Oct 2022
P. 35

[Here's  where  I  add   that  both  of  our  vintage
     Volvos have manual transmissions and all  our kids
     learned to drive them when they were to get their
     driver?s license. They also came home in one from
     the hospital where they were born!]

     Jennifer and I departed THAB early Thursday, Sept
     8, while Melinda and Dottie left at 3 pm that same
     day. Needless to say, driving a 61 -year- old car on
     Interstate 40 East was somewhat harrowing; trucks
     passed us doing 80  mph (we drove only 65  mph)
     and the combination of speed,  weight and length
     tended to push us toward the side of the road.  The
     stability  of  a  car  with  a  suspension  system
     designed in 1944 is  not like that of a modern car.  ,
     We wandered to the left and then to the right as we
     drove the 380 miles to Hickory.
       The  weekend  weather forecast for  the  southeast
     was rain, unfortunately. As we approached Hickory,
     the first drops came down  for about five minutes
     causing us   to have to use the windshield wipers.              "...t o   my  s ho c k ,  no t   o nl y  d id
     I'd  never had to use  the wipers in my two years of          t he  wip er   a r m  c o me  o f f   in  my
     owning this green Volvo.                                         ha nd     b ut   it     a l s o   b r o ug ht
     While the 544  is far from a garage queen,  I'd never         p a r t   o f   t he  d r iv e  mec ha nis m
     taken   it  out  of  the  Magnolia  garage  if    it  was      wit h  it .  This     s ho ul d   d ef init el y
     raining or even if it looked like it was  going to rain.                   no t   ha v e  ha p p ened ."
     When  we  turned  on  the  wipers,  I  immediately
     realized that they were not adjusted so as to avoid                                        Ma r t in  St ic k l ey!
     slapping  the  chrome/rubber  at  the  lower  part  of
     the windshield as they reversed direction.
     Arriving at the Marriott  in Hickory, one of the first
     things I did was to get out a big screwdriver and pry
     off  the  wiper  arm  of  the  driver?s  side  windshield
     wiper. It  came off very easily (this  is not normal as
     I have done this many times with my other Volvos)
     and to my shock, not only did the wiper arm come
     off in my hand  but it  also brought part of the drive
     mechanism with it. This  should definitely  not have

     I attempted to reconnect the arm to the remaining
     part  of  the  drive  mechanism  but  could  not.
     DISASTER!   What  to  do?   It  would  be  raining  the
     next two days and it would be impossible to drive
     the  green  Volvo  without  windshield  wipers.
     Continues on page 32

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