Page 63 - Dec 2022
P. 63
name to Scotland's winter festival. into service, immediately after the last stroke of
midnight, when his famous Auld Lang Syne is
Christmas was actually banned in Scotland for
sung. Burns himself claimed that he based his
almost 400 years, beginning in the late 17th century.
famous poem on an earlier fragment from
During the Protestant Reformation, the rather dour
Scottish tradition and the melody, now sung the
clergy of the kirks of Scotland considered Christmas
world over, was known over 80 years before
to be a Popish or Catholic holiday; therefore, it had
Burns published his poem in 1788.
to be banned. Scots worked over what had been the
holidays and celebrated the winter solstice at New Then, it's high-tail it home to wait expectantly for
Year when family and friends gathered. The day the first footer to arrive in the early moments of
came to be called Hogmanay and remains a day of the new year. Again, a throwback to the Viking
celebration in Scotland to the present. days, the first foot or person to enter the house
is meant to ensure good luck. Ideally, that person
It wouldn't be a holiday without homely traditions
will be male and dark, because a blond or red
that must be carried out. Before midnight on
haired person, like a Dane, arriving on your
December 31, the entire house must be cleaned top
doorstep always meant trouble.
to bottom, including removing any ashes from the
fireplace, this being connected to the days when People often hire the services of a first footer to
coal was commonly burned in homes during the make sure that good luck will be guaranteed and
winter. All debts must also be cleared before the he brings symbolic gifts of coal, shortbread, salt,
bells of the midnight hour. bread and ,of course, whiskey.
A Hogmanay party welcomes friends and strangers ?Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never
with warm hospitality, food and drink. The tradition brought to mind?
is that you must be at home, rather than on the Should auld acquaintance be forgot and auld lang
road between locations, before the clock strikes syne
twelve. A hometown pub will do as a temporary For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
home, if you wish to be out with a group of friends.
We?l take a cup o kindness yet, for auld lang
Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns, is pressed syne.?