Page 40 - Mar2023
P. 40
The Kast ner Cup is organized by members of t he
Friends of Triumph (FOT). FOT is a group of vint age
racers dedicat ed t o preserving t he racing herit age of
t he Triumph marque. 2023 will mark t he 21st running
of t he Kast ner Cup. The race will celebrat e t he 70t h
year of Triumph sport s car in compet it ion. The
Kast ner Cup was named in recognit ion of t he career
accomplishment and legacy of R.W. ?Kas? Kast ner
who passed away on April 11, 2021 at t he age of 92.
Kas Kast ner was one of t he most influent ial
individuals responsible for t he racing success of
Triumph sport s cars from t he lat e 1950?s t hrough
1970 and beyond.
The Kast ner Cup has become a major event on t he
vint age racing calendar for Brit ish car fans. The race,
open t o race prepared Triumph cars, is held at a
different t rack each year t o provide Triumph racers
across t he count ry a chance t o compet e for t he Cup.
This year it 's in WISCONSIN at Road America.