Page 28 - Penilaian Risiko Rasuah
P. 28

Kitaran Penilaian Risiko Rasuah

         Kitaran Perancangan & Kawalan Pelaksanaan Risiko Rasuah

                8.2 Due Diligence
                                                               Organisation shall                         The Due Diligence
                   When Level of risk is                       assess the nature                          shall be updated at
                    more than LOW in
                         relation to:                          and extent of the                          a defined
                ▪ Transaction                                  bribery risk.                              frequency so that
                ▪ Project                                      Assessment shall                           changes and new
                ▪ Activities
                ▪ Planned or on-going                          include Due                                information can be
                  relationship with biz                        Diligence  to                              properly taken into
                  associate                                    obtain sufficient                          account
                ▪ Specific categories of
                  personnel                                    information to
                                                               assess the bribery
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