Page 23 - E-Book-3Neat
P. 23


               1.2.1 ตารางคำสั่งพนฐาน


                      Symbol                 Functions             Object        Diagram indications
                    Designation                                   elements

                                     Start of logical calculation  X, Y, M, T,
                  NOP      Loa       (normally open)             C, S

                           Load      Start of logical calculation  X, Y, M, T,
                            inver    (normally open)             C, S

                  AND        se      Logical AND (normally       X, Y, M, T,
                                     open series connection)     C, S

                                     Logical AND inverse
                   ANI      And      (normally closed series     X, Y, M, T,
                           inverse                               C, S

                   OR         Or     Logical OR(normally open  X, Y, M, T,
                                     series connection)          C, S

                  ORI        Or      Logical OR inverse          X, Y, M, T,

                            inver    (normally closed series     C, S
                             se      connection)

                  ANB        And     Series connection between

                           block     blocks
                                     Paraffin connection
                  ORB        Or
                            block    between blocks
                                                                 Y, M, T, C,
                  OUT        Out     Coil drive instruction
                                                                 S, F

                  RST        Res     Reset of counter shift      C, M

                             et      register
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