Page 23 - المراجعة_الشاملة_للإختبار_النهائي_الفصل_الدراسي_الثاني_النموذج
P. 23

Some pathogen that causes syphilis can't be grown in pure culture on artificial media.   1 .
                          culture cells are needed   because  viruses cannot be grown on artificial media و In viruses

              Human Infection disease ( page 124 ) ناسنلاا يف ةيدعملا  ارملأا

                Spread of Disease (page 124               For a pathogen to spread it must have:

                     1) Human reservoir                                                                    1 )

             Examples of disease that caused by pathogen             :
             and  passed from human to human :                                                             *
            * Colds                                                                                         *
            * Influenza (Flu)                                          )                                (
            * Meningitis (caused damage to brain and spinal cord)
            Define Carrier                                                        :
             Person who spreads germs while remaining well                 .
                     2) Animal reservoir
                                                                                                               2 )
            Examples of disease that caused by pathogen
            and  passed from animal to human :                       :
            * Influenza (Flu)             * Rabies                                       *                               *
            Animals that carries influenza include birds
            Animals that carries Rabies include bats,
             foxes, skunks and racoons
                       3-Inanimate objects ( Soil, water and food
                                                                                                                 3 )
                Examples of disease that caused by pathogen
                 and  passed from soil to human :                        :
                * Wounds infections ,death( tetanus bacteria)      )                  (                                      *

                         B)  A way to spread ( Transmission of pathogen                                                 1 -
                      1-Direct contact
                            Direct contact with other humans transmit disease.
                                                                               (              *           :
                            Example of diseases :
                          * Cold    * Mononucleosis
                     2-Indirect contact
                                                                                                                   2 -
                        a)  Through air                                                                    )
                        b)  Through contaminated objects

                           When the sick  person  sneeze or choughs pathogen
                       spread to another air or to an object as mucus droplets.
                                                                                            )                              (           3   –
                      Vectors  ( Organisms that carries a pathogen)                                            *          *         *:
                                                                              )    124                             (
                      The most common vectors are arthropods. Example of vectors:  Mosquitoes       * Ticks    * Flys

                   Examples of diseases that transmitted through vectors ( Look to the table page 124)
                  Disease name                Pathogen                Vector

                  Lyme disease                 Virus                            Tick
                  West Nile                               Virus                        Mosquito ( on horses))           (
                  Malaria                          Protozoan                  Mosquito

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