Page 50 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT 50 Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey www.
Bibliography from previous report to be checked
10 Bibliography
Bence-Jones. M, 1978, ‘Burke’s Guide to Country Houses. Volume I, Ireland”, London.
Reports Campbell, Susan, A History of Kitchen Gardens, London (Random), 1996 Carson. C, 2012, ‘Technology of the Big Houses in Ireland circa 1800 to 1930’.
* Belinda Jupp & Thomas Mc Erlean, ‘Kylemore Abbey; Walled Garden Restoration Raftery, Deirdre & Kilbride, Catherine, The Benedictine Nuns & Kylemore Abbey; A Duffy. S, 2005, ‘Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia’, Routledge.
Project’, unpublished report, 1995: Title page: ‘Report on the Preliminary Archaeological History, Newbridge, Co. Kildare (IAP), 2020 Gray, J, 1883, ‘A Tourist’s View of Ireland’.
Survey of the Walled Garden at Kylemore’: Hall, 1850, ‘Hall’s Ireland’,
Villiers- Tuthill, Kathleen, History of Kylemore Castle & Abbey, Kylemore, Conemara Harris-Stone. J, 1906, ‘Connemara and The Neighbouring Spots of Beauty and Interest’,
Contents (Kylemore Abbey Publications), 2002 Health Resort Publishing Kylemore Abbey Publications, 2000, ‘Kylemore Abbey: From
Generation to Generation’,
Section 1: The Walled Garden at Kylemore
Leask. H, 1966, ‘Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, Volume two”, Dundalgan Press.
Section 2: Survey of the Flower Garden Outstanding Key Sources Mallins. E, and Bowe, P, 1980, ‘Irish Gardens and Demesnes from 1830’, P 51.
Villiers-Tuthill. K , 2002, ‘A History of Kylemore Abbey and Castle’, Kylemore Abbey Pub-
Section 3: Survey of the Kitchen Garden Plan indicating the trial excavation channels dug by Malachy J. Conway for his report. lications, Galway.
Appendix 1: Journal Articles (not provided and sourced again- listed below) Belinda Jupp’s ‘Plant Report’ and ‘Re-Planting Plan’ referred to in her 1996 report. Previous Plans and Reports
Buchan Kane Foley Architects, 1996, ‘Proposed Conservation Programme for the Walled
Appendix 2: Report on the Trial Excavations by Malachy Conway (plan not Survey and Reconstruction Drawings of the Glasshouses produced by Buchan, Kane & Gardens’, March 1996
provided) Foley, Architects. Foley. T, 2011, ‘Condition Report: Inspection at Kylemore Abbey, Connemara Co. Galway
Engineering and Drainage Drawings of the Walled Garden restoration produced by on Behalf of the Benedictine Nuns’, Buchan Kane Foley Architects May 2011. The Kyle-
engineers and/or BKF Architects. more Trust 2012 ‘Come and See’ Kylemore Abbey Publications
*Belinda Jupp & Thomas McErlean, ‘The Restoration of the Walled Garden at Kylemore, Sherwood Associates, May 2012 ‘Kylemore Abbey, The Experience - Project Overview’,
Phase 2’, unpublished report, 1996: Faille Ireland Submission
Contents Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Bogs and Fens of Ireland Conservation Plan 2005
Galway County Development Plan 2009-2015
1. Introduction Draft Galway County Development Plan 2015-2021
2. Proposed Schedule
Finlan. M, 1995, ‘President to Open Gothic Church at Kylemore Abbey’, Irish Times, April
3. Oganization 10th 1995. Finlan. M, 1995, ‘New Life for Church of a Widowed Millionaire’, Irish Times,
29th April 1995
4. Stage 1- Tree Felling, Clearance of Glasshouses and Flower Garden Finlan. M, 1980, ‘Kylemore Sisters Honor Saint’, Irish Times, 21st April 1980
5. Equipment and Specialized Services Fuller. J.F, 1909 ‘Reminiscences of Fifty Years’, Irish Builder Jubilee Number 1909, 24;
Fuller. J.F, 1916, ‘Omniana’, p 183;
6 Summary of Immediate Action Freeman’s Journal, 6 Nov 1875
Irish Builder 14, 1 Jan 1872, 1;
Irish Builder 44, 14 Aug 1902,
* Belinda Jupp, ‘Foto report explanation’, Fax to Ann Golden 3.8.99 Irish Builder 45, 24 Sep 1903,
* Cathal Crimmins Architect, ‘Land Use and Conservation Analysis on Kylemore Abbey Irish Builder 103, 22 Jul 1961, 583
and Demesne on behalf of Kylemore Abbey’, Irish Times, 26 Oct 1897.
McDonagh. M, ‘Kylemore’s Six Acre Gardens are Restored to their Former Glory’, IAA
Press Clippings File on Kylemore Abbey
Photographs Archival Sources
Irish Architectural Archive, Press clippings File on Kylemore Abbey
The principal photographic sources are held by the NLI. These were once bound as Irish Architectural Archive, Patterson, Shortall and Kempster collection
Kylemore Albums 1, 2, 3. Some have been digitised and high-res copies of these have B05/07, B06/07, A03 (Jul 1868, p.85v);
been acquired for this report. The remainder will be assessed once the NLI opens B06a/36, B07/23, B08/17, B09/14, B10/15, A06 (Jun 1881)
again for research. Kylemore Abbey Publications, 1990, ‘ Kylemore Abbey Gothic Church: Restoration Work
Historic Photographs and Images
Contemporary Articles in the Building and Gardening Periodicals Henry, P, Landscape of Connemara
Irish Architectural Archive Boxed Photographs National Library of Ireland Photographic
The Gardeners’ Chronicle, January 28, 1905, pps. 50-51 Collections Lawrence Photographic Collection
The Irish Builder, 15 May 1872, pps. 138-139: ‘Notes on Early Gardening in Ireland, Fourth O’Dea Photographic Collection
Part- Conclusion’ Clonbrock Photographic Collection
Wynne Album
The Stereo Pairs Photographic Collection
Contemporary Printed Sources The Joshua H Hargrave Collection
Cranston’s Patent Buildings for Horticulture; For particulars and plans or cost of First edition Ordnance Survey Map of Galway 1840-2 Griffith Valuation Map of 1855
erection apply to J. Cranston, Architect & Co., No. 1, Temple Row West, Birmingham, An Ordnance Survey Map of Galway 1898
Account with Illustrative Sketches of Cranston’s Patented Buildings as applied to
Horticulture. Date of Patent, August 24th, 1861, No. 2117, Birmingham (T. Underwood
Lithographer & Printer, Castle Street, Birmingham), 1861
Secondary Sources Gardener's Books.jpg