Page 3 - Threat Intelligence 11-27-2019
P. 3
State of the
You will notice a slight formatting change to our Threat Intelligence
Brief: we have expanded the Data Breach section to include Cyber
Attacks. This was done to provide additional information into the
myriad of high-profile attacks that have been taking place the past few
months. Unfortunately we don’t expect that to change, so we are
adjusting our format accordingly.
Intel announced that they would no longer be making software drivers
and BIOS updates publicly available. While this doesn’t directly effect
the security of most organizations, it impacts the ability of companies
and individuals to use legacy devices. A lot of experts expect other
companies to follow their trend, primarily in an effort to force people
into purchasing software and devices that are supported.
Tis the season for merriment and social engineering, as demonstrated
by our section that is twice the size of our normal brief. There are a lot
of scams out there, and the bad guys are pulling out all the stops to get
your users to click links, open attachments and wire millions to an
unknown account somewhere in Bolivia. Ensure that your staff knows
the enhanced risks and encourage them not to send or respond to out
of band greetings from vendors, as that dancing santa .gif may be a
An interesting article this week discusses the threats of targeted attacks
to buildings. As smart homes are coming under closer scrutiny by the
bad guys, it’s only a matter or time before the newer smart buildings get
their attention. Considering that most building systems are designed to
be integrated, a weakness in one area could effect power, elevators,
HVAC, phones and wireless throughout. Ensure that somewhere in your
DRBC plans you have a line item for attacks to your facility.
~Stay Secure