Page 3 - Threat Intelligence 7-29-2019
P. 3
State of the
If you have an externally facing RDP server, it’s time perform another
risk analysis, as new analysis shows that it is quickly becoming a favorite
target for bad actors. Internet-facing RDP servers can expect a
significant amount of brute-force login attempts. You can put trust into
your user’s secure passwords, or re-evaluate other remote access
technologies. Make sure you make the right choice.
Supply chains are getting a closer scrutiny, as the bad guys are getting
better at inserting malware at the root level, and at the manufacturing-
level. The chain needs to be evaluated from source to final destination
to ensure that nothing has inserted itself into the supply chain.
Optimally, institutions should be re-imaging new systems to ensure
nothing can generate a risk, but also to ensure that no configuration
vulnerabilities are inserted into the network with the arrival of new
1.5 trillion was lost to cyber criminals this year. The famous criminal
Willie Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks, and his response
was simple, eloquent, and humorous: “Because that’s where the money
is.” Taking a look at the 1.5 trillion figure above, it is easy to see why
criminals are motivated to attack your systems. Two places in this brief
provide the financial details on the details, but it is easy to project that
this will only get worse.
Equifax and Facebook are in the news due to their fines related to mis-
management and misbehavior. While the fines are large, they won’t be
enough to satisfy legislators who are looking into additional regulations
around data privacy and protections. Don’t expect any immediate
actions from the federal government, but many States are stepping in to
fill the gap. California and New York are leading the charge, so keep an
eye on what news comes from them.
~Stay Secure