Page 9 - Intl. Review (Draft 1.3)
P. 9


        The core tenet of The Great Re- nature of environmental dam- agenda, antagonizing the oth-
        set (TGR) is rooted in the belief  age is when it inflicts catastro- er half of the political spectrum
        – and I daresay, the insistence  phe across the umbrella of the  right  from  the  opening  whistle.
        – that any, and all, relief pack- global strata even if a single  Petty partisanship that does not
        age that gets unfolded across  corner is seething with its ca- bode well for a platform seeking
        the globe for economic recovery  lamity. To wit, the only real ad- integrous validity.
        should come in tow with a clear  dressable approach would be a               Even so, with all the ups &
        directive towards “Green” proj- globalized effort at establishing  downs of a masterplan of such
        ects. Now understandably, that’s  sustainable system with priori- proportions, is the incoming flak
        a broad classification that could  tisation of alternative forms of  that’s rigorously flung their way,
        use  some  breaking  down.  And  energy and infrastructure that’s  justified? An 80,000-strong and
        the marketing material propped  climate-friendly.  Wherein,  the  growing petition surfaced with-
        up by WEF does little, if anything,  public sector has the leading  in hours of the great release in
        to specify their execution.         role. Progressive taxation, car- its extended webinar round-ta-
              On paper, it’s more of a  bon tax, cancelling bloody cor- ble form. Followed up with over-
        mindset  than  a  manoeuvre.  It’s  porate subsidies, and curbing  whelming outlash whittling down
        about consciousness & solidarity  any coddling of inexhaustive ex- against the outright biases and
        toward conservation and com- tractions sound great in theory,  extremities of the plan, with
        munion. It’s about sustainability  but  exactly  how  practical  will  claims of conspiratorial extents
        and it’s about perseverance. To  a worldwide collaboration be?  alleged, J’accuse!
        wit, these are narratives that are  And so  far, TGR’s biggest ac-
        by no means foreign or particu- complishment to boot’s been a  Sign of the times
        larly inventive, experts have been  high-level broad agreement be-           At the closing bell how-
        droning on for almost decades  tween 18 shipping companies for  ever, this whole hubbub can be
        on end about the dire effects  “unity”, a charter as they call it, a  signed off as yet another bout of
        of thoughtless consumption and  cover-letter at best.                   digital chatter thrashing along
        adverse production. What’s new                                          the shores of social media’s
        however, is the timing, is the op- Much talk, little show               magnetic pull for limelight in an
        portunity this initiative is riding       With the Great Reset, that’s  ever-increasing dearth of atten-
        on.  The  great  pandemic  that’s  exactly the WEF’s intentions, to  tion and attention spans. A hail-
        ravaged even the basic subsis- stoke public inquisition toward  mary of sorts from an ironically
        tence of a major chunk of soci- the execution of large-scale  endeared “bookclub for woke
        ety’s vulnerable and as a matter  mobilisation  of  environmen- billionaires” to maintain its rel-
        of fact, even the non-vulnerable.  tally-conscience relief efforts.  evance, and to get some ideas
        Like they say, this is an invasion  However, the Achilles’ heel for  flowing, “customer co-creation”
        that’s blind to borders, blind to  their grand heralding, is deeply  as they call it in the digital mar-
        ethnicity, and blind to affilia- troubling to say the least.            keting biz.
        tions. It’s the neutral death.            At the forefront of the            Could it stand the test of
              Gita Gopinath, the well-re- growing chinks in its armor,  time? That remains to be seen.
        nowned & home-grown  Chief  is the startlingly  catastrophic  However, cutting across any
        Economist at the IMF goes onto  rhetoric of their register in the  suspected opportunism, we can
        highlighting  a  comprehensive  propagation of a panic-strick- suffice it to say, sustainability is
        stratagem for the realization of  en warning bell. Each & every  the name of the game now. The
        such a model, if there ever were  promotional material that’s left  bustling economies of the world
        one. Without naming the “Great  the WEF’s desk has brimmed to  can no longer get by keeping
        Reset” in particular, she denotes  the neck with hysterical imagery  mum on that forefront, whether
        the  need  for  recognizing  the  of urgency. Which at best, can  paltry or partisan, genuine or dis-
        high stakes of natural calamities.  only be excused as a publicity  ingenuous, efforts and conces-
        Speaking over the indiscriminate  tact, and at worst, a controver- sions need to be made towards
        nature of global health crises of  sy-hungry attention monstrosity.  the  construction  of  a  greener
        this nature that’re crescendo- A stance further hindered by an  tomorrow, a more future-proof
        ing in  their ravaging  furor, she  openly loud & proud allegiance  and efficacious one at that.
        stresses how dire the borderless  and expression of a clear liberal

        Volume #01                                                                                              8
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