Page 16 - Intl. Review (Draft 1.3)
P. 16


        tuation, which realized itself in  banks allowing stressed cor- tal injections held great promi-
        the NPA crises’ case, hammered  porations extended debt-in- nence in ploughing productivity
        home by the great GFC wreak- dulgence time after time in the  onwards. All this cursory sheen
        ing havoc. Whilst the eager- hopes of long-term viability by  giving off the vibe of economic
        ly investing banks strew loans  letting off the steam. With round  wellbeing, and without adverse
        en masse with little regard for  after round of restructuring,  economic headwinds or obvious
        contingencies     self-encumber- nearly 6.4% (2014-2015) of the  red flags,  banks felt  little onus
        ing themselves in vogue even- entire outstanding mass within a  upon their lazing prerogative to
        tually condensing into anchored  single fiscal year at times, leav- diligently access the real state
        weights of debt impairment.         ing stressed assets suspected to  of their borrowers’ plummeting
                                            be even higher than what the  projects,  to  peruse  under  the
        2.2 Revelations; Worse gets  9% NPA figure would lead one to  carpet.
        Worser.                             believe.
              A startling 40% of NPA-lad-                                       3.1 Saviour of the Syndicate
        en  corporates  of  India  stood  3. HISTORICAL ACTION                       And that’s where we circle
        reeling with an Interest Coverage         Before exploring the after- back to the RBI actions and reg-
        Ratio (ICR) of less than 1 (ICR be- math however, it’s worth explor-
        ing the number of times EBITDA  ing the justifications for such a
        can cover interest obligations, <1  risky bargain. Which, like stated
        implying inability of the gains to  before, lies with the peculiarities
        even cover credit repayments!).  of the Indian-way of business.
        Even so, the Indian TBS debacle  The 2000s heyday of investment
        wouldn’t have been this unique  booms saw investment  propor-
        (and rare in its miraculous eva- tions as high as 38% of the GDP,
        sion of crisis-spending stag- the major chunk of it funnelled
        flations)  simply  because  of  the  through heavy works of infra-
        deontologically dual-hammer- structural undertakings, among
        ing of the overleveraging boom  which; metal, power & telecoms
        & GFC. GFC was a doomsday  lead the pack. Projects that first
        drop  for  more  economies  than  got derailed through good-old
        one, and even a few decades in  fashioned supply-chain  and or-
        retrograde, the 1990s’ Japan had  ganisational  inefficacies.  And
        trudged  through  a  lengthy  TBS  latter beat down back & blue by
        quicksand itself, followed by Ko- the GFC shake-up followed on
        rea in the 2000s.                   by the staggering devaluation of
              What  differed for  India  the Indian rupee, which spiralled
        however, was an uncannily con- out of bounds to more than a
        servative lending during the  50% drop from 40 INR to a dollar,
        boom that  didn’t in itself over- to 60+. All this made financing
        leverage corporates to begin  simply too costly, smushing cor-
        with, rather it was the protract- porations under the treacherous
        ed evergreening leniency of cov- trinity  of  stressed  from  burden-
        ering for production inefficacies  some inputs, derailed revenues,
        that coddled the indebted firms  and finally the spiralling finance
        far beyond acceptable limits.  costs itself.
        Though arguably speaking, that            Even so, growth stood te-
        very  accommodative  nurturing  naciously unwavering, waning
        by the PSBs was the magic wand  here or there by a teensy bit,
        that  helped  curb  any  crisis-in- but not tumbling into a grinding
        ducing winding ups, displaying a  halt. A strange dichotomy mostly
        weird flex of bankruptcy-phobia. attributable to the pre-existing
              In classic  Indian fashion,  lack of foundational infrastruc-
        deadlines were pushed with the  ture,  to  which  even  incremen-

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