Page 128 - Micronesia
P. 128

lue Hole - Four vertical shafts open from the top of the reef    clams are found in 20 to 30 feet of water. The site is inside the
                                                                       Rock Islands lagoon off Baules Island. The coral heads here shelter
B into a large cavern with an exit on the outer reef wall. Wire
and black corals surround nudibranchs, disco clams, cleaner            several lionfish.

shrimp, and leafy scorpionfish, while white tip and leopard            D evilfish City - This is another great site to see manta rays, es-
sharks sleep on the sandy bottom. During the outgoing tide, you               pecially from January through April. Three cleaning stations
can continue this dive to Blue Corner. The Blue Holes are a vast

interconnected cave and cavern system located close to the Blue have been know to service from 3 to 30 mantas at once. You will

Corner, and at similar depths. Due to its proximity and equal dif- also enjoy the sight of rainbow runners, reef sharks, bumphead

ficulty level, this is a popular first dive before guides bring tourists parrotfish, black snapper, unicornfish, striped skipjacks, fusiliers,

to the Blue Corner. Careful inspection of some of the tunnels and crocodile fish, nudibranchs, leafy scorpionfish, and barracuda.

crevices will reveal locked steel gates that were installed following  G erman Wall - General Information: Big drop off with a sheer
the deaths of some inexperienced, incautious divers more than a               vertical wall, which runs along the whole length of Ngeme-
decade ago. A popular option is to make a drift-dive that starts at

Blue Holes and terminates along one edge of the Blue Corner.           lis Island. At extreme low tide, the entire top of the reef will be

C lam City- This privately owned island is one of the most beau-       exposed. The edge of the reef drops straight down to 900 feet
      tiful in Palau. To visit the island, permission, from its owner  (274 meters). Pyramid Butterflyfish, Square Anthias, Moorish Idols,
                                                                       Sargent Major’s, Yellowtail Fusiliers are among the myriad of fish

Hokkons Baules, is needed. Giant Tridacnas Clams, brought to this found all along the edge and top of the reef. Blue Face, Regal, and

island for protection against poachers, dot the coral slopes and       Emperor Angelfish are easily spotted. Dwarf angelfish, such as Cor-

sandy bottom, on the south side, of the island. Some of the clams al Beauty, Keyhole, and Gray’s dart in and around the coral heads

weigh as much as 250 lb. and are estimated to be over 100 years at the top of the reef. Clarki, and Blue Stripped Clownfish with

old. Staghorn corals and large Porites coral heads are found along their host anemones are also scattered along the reef. White Tip

the sandy bottom of this island. Marine life: An abundance of small and Nurse Sharks sleep on the sandy bottom. This beautiful wall

reef fish, colorful Anthias, Sergeant Majors, Moorish Idols and        should be seen from both directions. As you do your 15-foot (3

many species of Chromis inhabit the corals. It is a popular spot for meter) safety stop, drift along the top edge of the reef and marvel

dive operators to stop for lunch break picnics. Dozens of Tridacna at all the colorful reef fish that dart in and out of the coral heads.
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