Page 214 - Micronesia
P. 214

IPPO MARU - The Nippo Maru, as many other Chuuk Lagoon         fresh water was scarce. During the “Hailstone” attack, Nippo Maru
                                                                      was attacked by aircraft from the carrier USS Essex, who dropped
N wrecks, was sunk on 17 February 1944. During the first raids        a salvo of bombs around her. At the time of its sinking, the Nippo
                                                                      was being used to carry water, fire wood and other supplies as well
of Operation Hailstone, it was hit by three 500lb bombs in the        as armaments to Japanese troops on the many Pacific islands they
stern area causing its demise. The Nippo Maru was launched on         occupied. It lies on a sand bottom in 48 meters of water, lying in an
16 September 1936 from the Kawasaki Dockyard Co Ltd in Kobe,          east-west direction with the bow slightly shallower than the stern
Japan. It displaced 3,764 tons and was 353 feet long and 50 feet      and having a slight list to port. The wreck is basically intact, with
wide. She went into service on 9 November 1936 for Okazaki            only slight damage to the bridge area and stern visible. The Nippo
Honten KK and then possibly later Mitsubishi. The new vessel was      Maru is a very interesting wreck that highlights a Japanese light
3,763 tons gross, 107 meters (353.6 feet) long and just over 15       tank and artillery pieces on her deck. In 1969, the Nippo Maru was
meters (50.0 feet) wide. Powered by two Kawasaki coal powered         filmed by the Cousteau expedition but not identified. It was then
steam turbine engines (500NHP total) geared to the one shaft,         “lost” until rediscovered on 16 June 1980 by Klaus Lindemann. Sits
the Nippo Maru was capable of 16.3 knots. The Nippo Maru was          upright with a 25 degree port list. She carries a tank, coastal de-
originally built as the Ningpo in Sweden in 1937, and only man-       fense guns, mines, munitions, and water tanks. Large wenches and
aged a few years of service before she was seized by the Japanese     gun platform are at the bow. The Nippo Maru is a lot of fun to dive,
when they invaded Hong Kong in 1941. She was a water carrier,         with a ton of interesting things to see. Her holds are open and
yet as well as this simple cargo, there are several disassembled      her cargo of trucks, jeeps, motorcycles, and live ammunition are
coastal defense guns, three pieces of field artillery on wheels, a    all easily accessible. The forward hold contains mines, detonators,
tank on deck, two trucks and a large amount of shells, shell cas-     artillery shells, large containers, gas masks, oil drums. LENGTH: 353
ings and electrical components on deck and in the five holds. Her     Ft. / 107m, DEPTH: Superstructure: 100 Ft./30m, DEPTH: Deck: 130
peacetime duties consisted of carrying bananas from the Taiwan        Ft./40m, DEPTH: Bottom: 165 Ft./50m, Gross Tonnage: 3,764 tons.
to Japan. The Japanese Navy took control of her in late 1941 and
utilized her as a water transport. As such she was stationed in Truk
to carry water from Dublon Island to the out-lying islands where
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