Page 235 - Micronesia
P. 235
HINO MARU No. 2 (aka Dai Na Hino Maru, or One Gun Boat) 200’ with Japanese Destroyer Yakaze near New Guinea, and had to
(66m), 998-ton Naval Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship began life as be towed to Truk for repairs. However, she was not sunk during
a small Transport in 1936, then was converted to a Gunboat in Operation Hailstone, but was done in under mysterious circum-
1942, and finally was made into an Auxiliary Ship in 1943. She stances on July 3, 1944 instead.
showed up in Truk Lagoon after Operation Hailstone, but was
sunk in shallow water after numerous strafing attacks that set GOSEI MARU 272’ (86m), 1,931-ton Costal Freighter was an-
her afire, and bombings on April 29, 1944. chored off of Uman Island in the Sixth Fleet Anchorage when she
was struck by two Avenger Torpedo Bombers from the Carrier
AMAGISAN MARU 450’ (137m), 7,620-ton Passenger Freighter USS Monterey. Godei Maru went down immediately. Her holds
sailed the Japan to New York route via the Panama Canal in the were virtually empty, however, carrying only torpedo bodies, and
1930’s, but was placed into Navy service in 1941. On February empty oil and gas drums.
14, 1942 she narrowly survived a torpedo attack by the sub-
marine USS Swordfish. On August 17, 1943 she survived being FUJIKAWA MARU 433’(132m), 6,983-ton Passenger-Cargo Ship
strafed and bombed by nine B-24’s, which killed her Commander. was built in 1938 and served in routes to North America, South
She was in Truk Lagoon with a convoy unloading cargo when, on America and India, until being taken for war use by the Japanese
February 17, 1944, she was attacked by five Curtis Helldiver dive Navy in 1940. In September, 1943 she was nearly sunk heading
bombers, and Four Grumman Avenger torpedo bombers, from from Truk to Kwajalein by a torpedo from the USS Permit, but she
USS Bunker Hill, ripping her and igniting her fuel oil. The smold- limped back to Truk Lagoon in three days, and was later repaired
ering hulk went down in a hurry. and returned to service in January, 1944. The renovated ship was
struck by a torpedo during Operation Hailstone Strike 3E-1 at
PATROL BOAT NO. 34 Approx 300’ (91m), 935-ton Patrol boat 1420 hours by aircraft from the USS Bunker Hill and USS Monte-
(ex-Destroyer, ex-Sutsuki) was built in 1919, but retrofitted in rey. She finally went down the next morning.
1939 for Patrol Boat use. Retrofitting of aft end later enabled
her to carry a pair of landing craft. In March, 1943 she collided