Page 253 - Micronesia
P. 253
Edi Frommenwiler, the Pindito and Close Up Pindito’s crew is unmatched for it’s diving
knowledge and experience in Indonesia.
PoErtable Cards and eBooksdi Frommenwiler is the owner of the without time constraints to consider. As The MV Pindito launched operation in the
Pinto liveaboard in Indonesia, seafarer, part of the Explore the Sea module we have Banda Sea and quickly expanded her routes
cameraman and protector of nature. Mr. Fo- included the movie “Close Up: The Heart of to include Raja Ampat as well as Komodo.
mmenweiler has been filming with a Red 1 Biodiversity” and its multitude of unique Edi has been the subject of two tel-
evision documentaries and the movie
4K camcorder for the last seven years and shots obtained over a period of years. Just Close Up. He has recently completed a
follow-up to Close Up filmed in native
has the unique opportunity to record on click on the video symbol above to watch 4K UHD using his Red 1 4K camcorder.
film magnificent forms of sea life rarely seen 8 minutes of this truly amazing movie.
and in some instances never recorded. Be- Mr. Frommenwiler’s live-a-board, the
ing in a unique position to film upwards Pindito, is a world renowned and is
of 200 days a year during the dive trips
throughout Indonesia; Mr. Frommenweiler the only liveaboard dive boat operating in
is able to immerse himself in the rich ma- Raja Ampat with over 20 years of experience.
rine environment of the Golden Triangle In continuous operation since 1992, the MV