Page 423 - Micronesia
P. 423

Dimple Suitable for all skill levels, this is a boat dive site seamount on of plane was Emily. The Emily was an Imperial Japanese Navy Flying
the Western side of Saipan.                                                   boat used during World War II for maritime patrol duties.

Naftan Point - Naftan Point is a boat dive located on the Southern            The Grotto - The Grotto is Saipan’s premier dive spot, and is consid-
side of Saipan. It is one of the best wall dives in Saipan because of its     ered one of the best cavern dives in the world. Divers first descend a
excellent visibility and the diversity of sea creatures. The top of the       long, steep staircase into a huge sinkhole, and enter the pool at the
wall starts at 45 feet and goes down to over 130 feet. On the top of          bottom. You can begin by exploring the central cavern, then working
the wall, there are tons of coral formations and huge Clams. As you           your way towards one of three exit holes to open ocean. Once outside,
descend the wall, you will find fan coral and bright colored reef fish.       there are beautiful walls, swim-throughs, and caves to explore. You
As you peer off the wall, there is always the possibility of running into     can expect to encounter Turtles and Clown Triggerfish, and White
the larger fish like Napolean Wrasses, Groupers, and Sharks.                  Tip Sharks.

Obyan Beach - Obyan Beach is located on the Southern side of Saipan,          Spot Light - Like Banzai, Spot Light is often undiveable due to strong
near Naftan Point. Divers can enter either by boat or from the beach.         current. Named for the sun that shines like a spotlight through the
Obyan is an ideal location for divers of all skill levels as the currents     hole in the cavern roof, the site is a good place to encounter white tip
are not too strong, the visibility is exceptional, and there is a lot to see  reef sharks and turtles, along with countless crustaceans and colorful
below the surface. Once you descend through the first reef, you will          reef fish. There are enormous rock formations on the cavern floor;
find hundreds of small colorful reef fish, corals and other sea crea-         look around to see if you can find the huge lionfish that can usually be
tures. At the second reef, which starts at about 50 feet, you can expect      found lurking around the rocks.
to encounter larger fish like Barracuda, Sharks, and Garden Eels. Ob-
yan Beach also makes a great spot for a post-dive picnic and bonfire.

Lau Lau - Lau Lau is an excellent dive for both beginners and experts
because of its easy beach entry, and the plethora of fish that feed off
of the reef, which is one of the largest in Saipan. If you want to stay
in the shallower water, you can dive for about an hour and observe
many of the smaller, colorful fish. Going deeper, you can also expect
to encounter wrasses, butterfly fish, and surgeons. Don’t be surprised
to find a an Octopus or a Scorpionfish if you look carefully.

Bird Island - WW2 Plane Wreck B-29/Emily - Okay, so the wreck is
not a B-29 the name led you to believe, but that of a Japanese H8K
or Type 2 Large Flying Boat. The Allied reporting name for this type
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