Page 57 - Micronesia
P. 57
altwater crocodiles are also residents for the key tourist sector have been greatly especially in funeral, marriage, inheritance
bolstered by the expansion of air travel in and the passing of traditional titles.
S of Palau and occur in varying numbers the Pacific, the rising prosperity of leading
East Asian countries and the willingness of T he cuisine includes local foods such
throughout the various mangroves and foreigners to finance infrastructure devel- as cassava, taro, yam, potato, fish and
even in parts of the beautiful rock islands. opment. pork. Western cuisine is favored among
Although this species is generally con- young Palauans and the locals are joined by
sidered extremely dangerous, there has T he population of Palau is approxi- foreign tourists. Restaurants on the main is-
only been one fatal human attack in Palau mately 21,000, of whom 70% are native land of Koror consist mainly of Korean food,
within modern history, and that was in Palauans of mixed Melanesian, Micronesian, as well as Chinese, burgers, pizza and pasta.
the 1960s. The nation is also vulnerable to and Austronesian descent. Many Palauans Indigenous cuisine consists mainly of root
earthquakes, volcanic activity, and tropi- also have some Asian ancestry, from inter- vegetables, fish, pigs and chicken. The rest
cal storms. Palau already has a problem marriage between settlers and Palauans of Micronesia is similar with much less tour-
with inadequate water supply and limited beginning in the 19th and 20th centuries. ism, leading to fewer restaurants. Tourists
agricultural areas to support its population. Palauans with mixed Japanese ancestry eat mainly at their hotels on such islands.
Tourist activity focuses on scuba diving accounted for the largest group. Palauan Some local foods include an alcoholic drink
and snorkeling in the islands’ rich marine society, much like the island’s language, has made from coconut on the tree; the drink
environment, including its barrier reefs always been unique to the islands. Palauan made from the roots of the kava; and the
walls and World War II wrecks. The govern- society follows a very strict matrilineal chewing of betel nuts.
ment is the major employer, relying heavily system. Matrilineal practices are seen in
on US financial assistance. The population nearly every aspect of Palauan traditions,
enjoys a per capita income twice that of
Micronesia as a whole. Long-term prospects