Page 150 - Ocean City Edition Whole Book_Neat
P. 150

The Primary Purpose Group Big Book Study Guide

                                                  INTO ACTION
                                                         (Page 75)
                         1. Can we use this as an excuse to postpone?

               (P)       2. WHEN do we do our Fifth Step?

                                3-a. What do we have?
                                3-b. We are prepared for what?

                         5. What do we explain to the person who is to hear us?

                         6. What must that person realize?

                         7. How will most people feel about doing this for us?

               (P)       8. HOW do we take our Fifth Step?

                         9. If we are completely honest and thorough, WHAT is the first


                       10. WHAT is the second promise?

                       11. WHAT is the third promise?

                       12. WHAT is the fourth promise?

                       13. WHAT is the fifth promise?

                       14. WHAT is the sixth promise?

                       15. WHAT is the seventh promise?

                       16. WHAT is the eighth promise?

               (P)            17-a. Returning home, what do we do and for how long?
                              17-b. We very carefully do what?

                                                   Page 150 of 299 Pages
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