Page 16 - Ocean City Edition Whole Book_Neat
P. 16

The Primary Purpose Group Big Book Study Guide

                                  FORWARD TO SECOND EDITION
                                                        (Page xix)

                         1. What was the fourth question?

                         2. Were these concerns valid?

                         3. What conviction came from this period?

                         4. What did they realize they must do?

               (P)      5. What did the principles, for which they were searching,
                              (The answer to this question includes the entire paragraph.)

               (P)       6. Where in this book do we find these lifesaving principles?

                                7-a. Did these prove to be laws?
                                7-b. Did the Fellowship approve of them?

                         9. What is one of our greatest assets?

               (P)     10-a.  What  was  happening  as  we  were  learning  how  to  overcome  our
                       internal difficulties?

                                                    Page 16 of 299 Pages
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