Page 217 - Ocean City Edition Whole Book_Neat
P. 217

The Primary Purpose Group Big Book Study Guide

                                                     TO WIVES
                                                        (Page 116)

                         1. What should you ask him?

                         2. Be careful to not do what?

               (P)       3. What is another terrible fear?  (2 sentences)

                         4. May this happen?

                         5. Or is this old hat by now?
                         6. If it happens again, what might you do?

                         7. What could losing his job prove to be?
                         8. What might it do for the drinker?

                         9. What is it you now know?
                              10-a. What has this proved to be for many of us?
                              10-b. Why was that so and where did it lead us?

               Comment: The rest of this Chapter deals with the solution to the misery and
               suffering of those who truly care about the drinking alcoholic.  To many who adopt
               this Program as a way of life, they find that the result of learning to live by the
               Steps more than compensates for the loneliness, misery, despair and humiliation
               they had experienced.

               (P)     12. What remark have we seen before?
                       13. If God can solve the problems of alcoholism, what else can He do?

                       14. What have we wives found?

                       15. As our husbands recovered, what did we see?

               (P)     16. At first, what did many of us believe?
                       17. How did we think of ourselves?

                       18. What silly idea did we have?

                       19. What is it we try to do now?
                              20-a. What happens when we do?
                              20-b. What is one of the wonderful things about it?

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