Page 6 - Ocean City Edition Whole Book_Neat
P. 6

The Primary Purpose Group Big Book Study Guide

                                  PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION
                                                         (Page xi)

               (P)       1. Which Edition is this one?

                                2-a. When was it first published?
                                2-b. How many copies went into circulation between the First
                                  and Second Editions?

                                4-a. When was the Second Edition published?
                                4-b. How many copies of the Second Edition were sold or

                                6-a.  When was the Third Edition published?
                                6-b.  How many copies went were put into circulation?

               (P)              8-a. What has this book become?
                                8-b. Why?
                                8-c. Has there been a desire to make any changes in it?

                         11. Have there been any significant changes in the first 164 pages?

                              12-a. What has been kept totally intact?
                              12-b. Dr. Silkworth was what to our society?

               (P)     14. What three things were added to the Second Edition?

                              15-a. What was the chief change to the Second Edition?
                              15-b. Why were these changes made?

                       17. What else is said about the Second Edition? (rest of paragraph)

                                                    Page 6 of 299 Pages
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