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Econ Standard issue 91_Econ Standard  20/09/2021  20:03  Page 1

                                                                                                          ‘know how’

                                                                                                  customer service. It was
                   Scottish highways contractor                                                   spot on.
                                                                                                  “Since day one my
                                                                                                  Hotbox has been on
                  streets ahead of competition                                                    hire to the local council.
                                                                                                  And whilst it’s working
                                                                                                  every day, we are keeping                                                            Standard · Issue No.91
                                  with Econ Hotbox                                                it looking spotless. It’s
                                                                                                  as shiny now as the day
                                                                                                  I collected it.”
                When Donald Peacock’s 12 year old highways maintenance vehicle was coming         Paul Wigby, Econ Hire
                to the end of the road, he turned to Econ Engineering for its replacement.        & Pre-owned Sales
                                                                                                  Manager, said: “Our                                                                                    Investment ensures North Yorkshire
                Donald, who initially started as a labourer surfacing roads for Dumfries & Galloway, now has his own  clients range in size
                small business, with the Scottish authority being one of his regular clients.     from some of the
                                                                                                  biggest councils and
                Whilst the 61-year-old was familiar with the Econ name, and in particular their gritters, he initially felt  highways contractors in                                                            County Council is well prepared
                he might be too small for the company to supply him with one of their Hotboxes.
                                                                                                  the UK, to sole traders
                However, a four word SOS email to the company saying ‘sell me a hotbox’ was quickly answered, and  like Donald.
                eight weeks later Donald was at Econ’s Ripon factory to collect his brand new Hotbox.
                                                                                                  “We were delighted to be able to fulfil his order, and it’s great to hear his new Econ  Even at the height of summer, plans are being laid to ensure North Yorkshire is ready for whatever
                Donald said: “Paul Wigby and the Econ team were excellent, really excellent. As a one man band,  Hotbox has been constantly employed doing the job that it’s designed for – helping  winter might throw at the county.
                I wrongly thought I may have been too small for them. I cannot speak highly enough about their  repair the nations roads.”
                                                                                                                                                                                        Keeping the counties vast roads network moving for residents and businesses is a high priority for the County Council – and that
                                                                                                                                                                                        means a modern fleet of gritters is essential.

                                                                                                                                                                                        North Yorkshire CC has invested almost £2.2m in 18 new gritters to replace some of the vehicles in its fleet of 80 gritters.
                      Little John takes                                              Tameside hooks new gritter                                                                         Cllr Don Mackenzie, Executive Member for Access, said: “We fully understand how important it is for residents and businesses to
                                                                                                                                                                                        keep North Yorkshire moving throughout winter. To do that, we need to ensure our fleet stays right up-to-date. That’s why we’re
                                                                                                                                                                                        investing now, and why we have a policy that none of our gritters should be more than eight years old and the average age of the
                       a big adventure                                                                                                                                                  whole fleet should be less than five.”

                A three year old boy from Skelton, near Ripon has been
                given a VIP tour of Econ Engineering after winning a grit-
                ter colouring competition.

                And the tour of the factory located off Boroughbridge Road, which makes
                85 percent of the UK’s winter roads maintenance vehicles, was made                                                                                                      The new vehicles will form part of the NY Highways fleet. NY Highways is a company created by the County Council but operating
                even more poignant as this is where his grandfather, John Simmonds,                                                                                                     as a private business. It took on the role of maintaining the county’s 5,800 miles of road after the County Council’s private sector
                used to work.                                                                                                                                                           contract ended earlier this year. The company is looking ahead to its first winter.
                ‘Little’ John Telling, who was named after his grandfather, was shown                                                                                                   Ross Bullerwell, managing director of NY Highways, said: “Our preparations for winter are going very well. The summer restock of
                around the factory by Directors Jonathan and Andrew Lupton. He was taken                                                                                                salt is under way and we are doing full summer services of all our existing gritters.
                to the paint shop where his grandfather worked for more than a decade                                                                                                                                                                                                             The vehicles, which are built on Mercedes-Benz chassis,
                and was presented with a model gritter, visor and hi-vis vest.                                                                                                          “It is great to have the investment in these new vehicles. It really enhances our fleet and gives us a very young fleet. This helps us  are either four-wheel drive or six-wheel drive to help
                                                                                                                                                                                        to ensure that we deliver a successful winter maintenance programme to keep the roads safe and clear for travellers.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  them to cope with North Yorkshire’s rural topography.
                Econ Engineering Director Jonathan Lupton said “It was a real pleasure to                                                                                                                                                                                                         They can be fitted with ploughs, if required, and have the
                take ‘Little’ John and his dad, Liam, on a tour of the factory. It was                                                                                                  The 18 gritters have been manufactured by North Yorkshire company Econ, which is based in Ripon.          latest GPS tracking systems. Their engines meet the
                particularly nice to be able to show him where his grandfather, a valued                                                                                                                                                                                                          latest emission standards. They are fitted with safety
                member of the Econ Engineering team, worked for many years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       features that maximize the driver’s visibility and have
                                                                                    Tameside Council, covering a large region to the east of Manchester, serves                                                                                                                                   reflective logos and markings to help the vehicles to be
                                                                                    around 200,000 residents. At present, the Council has a fleet of six Econ gritters                                                                                                                            seen in all weathers and at night.
                                                                                    and a Winter Resilience Team consisting of 25 members of staff.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Econ recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, having
                                                                                    Back in 2016, Econ provided an initial six gritters to Tameside Council. However, in 2020 one needed                                                                                                          been founded in 1969. The company employs 240
                                                                                    replacing as it was beyond its operational life. We were able to step in and provide a replacement by                                                                                                         people at its base in Ripon and has satellites in Scotland,
                                                                                    winning an open tender based on specification and the best price.                                                                                                                                             Wales and Suffolk. It manufactures 300 gritters a year.
                                                                                    Mark Ellison, the Council’s Group Engineering Manager, said: “We chose Econ because of the reliable
                                                                                    products and good aftersales support team. Econ is a quality company and we genuinely like working                                                                                                            Kevin Yale, Econ’s Account Manager, said: “Econ was
                                                                                    with the team.”                                                                                                                                                                                               very pleased to be involved in this very comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  procurement process, which resulted in some of the
                                                                                    “We look after carriageways that border with Derbyshire, Oldham, Manchester and Stockport,” said                                                                                                              highest specification gritters in the UK being supplied to
                                                                                    Mark. “As we head towards winter, the vehicle will be helping to ensure they stay clear and safe despite                                                                                                      this exciting new venture, NY Highways. Econ’s commit-
                                                                                    the drop in temperatures.”                                                                                                                                                                                    ment to providing an excellent service, as well as invest-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ing in the county, can be seen from its recent £8m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  expansion at Sowerby, Thirsk.”

                                                                                     Gritters in operation by the sea side                                                                                                                                                                        The County Council spends between £6m and £10m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  each year on winter gritting, depending on the severity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the weather. Last winter, gritters completed more than
                “Being a family business, we pride ourselves on our family values, and to                                                                                                                                                                                                         10,000 runs. Salt accounts for about a third of the
                make this little boy’s day could not make us any happier. And who knows  During the summer heatwave, Econ                                                                                                                                                                         operation’s cost, and taking advantage of improvements
                in 20 years time ‘Little’ John may even follow in his grandfather’s footsteps  gritters were called up by Cornwall                                                                                                                                                                in gritters’ ability to spread more accurately has recently
                and become a member of the extended Econ family”                   Council – and on this occasion, not                                                                                                                                                                            contributed to annual savings of up to £120,000.
                                                                                   to spread salt! With temperatures
                Dad Liam said “I would like to thank Econ for inviting ‘Little’ John to visit  soaring into the 30s, the gritters
                the factory. One of the highlights for him was sitting in Goldie the Golden  were instead used to spread sand
                Gritter, which was the focus of the colouring competition.         on the roads of the Cornish coast to
                                                                                   stop them from melting. A fleet of
                ‘Little’ John is fascinated with gritters, and every time he sees one, he asks  eight from Econ’s hire fleet were in                                                        ECON to open new
                if his grandad had painted it. It was a special day for him and I’m sure his  use across the county and what a
                love of gritters will grow further as a result.”                   fantastic job they did!
                                                                                                                                                                                              £7million Thirsk

                                                                                                                                                                                          Engineering Facility
               50th Anniversary                ECON ENGINEERING LIMITED

                                                        Boroughbridge Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UE England                                                                                   See inside for details...
                1969 -2019               Tel: 01765 605321 · Fax: 01765 607187 · Email: ·
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