Page 10 - Professional Profile FDT
P. 10
• All students who were failing a course, including the courses selected for this project (Co-teach English and Math classes), were provided an opportunity to work with their teacher of record to improve their failing grade. In some cases, teachers provided Office Hours to their students. A few teachers recorded instructional videos for their students to access during this time between March 2020 and May 2020.
• Students with disabilities enrolled in Learning Lab Intervention, were provided with Office Hours by the teachers assigned to the Learning Lab. During these virtual sessions, students could obtain assistance and/or guidance for any subject area for which they needed help.
• Students enrolled in co-teaching classes were also provided additional resources to reinforce the information, as needed.
• All students were provided the opportunity to increase their third quarter grade. This grade would also be counted as their fourth
quarter grade.
• Students did not take the Tennessee End of Course exams. Thus, there is no evidence to support that strategies taught and utilized
impacted scores targeted in Outcome #1.
• As a result of school closure, there is no way to determine if strategies targeted earlier in the school year had an impact on Outcome
• Due to continued changes due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Outcomes and plans have been amended to address the work of the
Biology PLC.
Candidate Signature/Date: ___________________________________ Mentor Signature/Date: ________________________________________
Director of Schools Signature/Date: _________________________________________
TN College/University Representative Signature/Date: ___________________________________________ (For Option B, Tennessee College/University Pathway)