Page 9 - Professional Profile FDT
P. 9

         Instruction. She planned instruction for the Week of November 8, 2020 to model differentiated instruction.
• Standards-Based and/or PLC Practice Article Review
o “Three Dimensional Instruction” by Joe Krajcik
§ PROGRESS: The Biology PLC were provided this article with their new standards packet. We revisited this article February 2020 during a meeting to discuss ways to implement the new standards.
• Social-Emotional Focus
PROGRESS: The biology PLC begin to implement virtual and/or in-person check-ins. Two of three standard Biology teachers and one Honors Biology teacher implement and provide opportunity for students to address their current state/ self- redirect.
 Individual Professional Learning Plan Narrative Summary
Use the space below to write a brief, one-page summary describing how the successful implementation of your Individual Professional Learning Plan affected at least two of the following: a) your effectiveness as an instructional leader, b) teacher effectiveness, and/or c) school-wide culture, as they relate to student achievement and growth outcomes in your school. Cite evidence of impact.
July 2020 Project Update:
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, schools were closed for the fourth nine weeks at the direction of State and Local Officials. As a result, the following processes were used to provide student instruction. Any instruction provided to students was done so virtually using ZOOM and/or Microsoft Teams
• All students were provided three assignments covering previously covered materials.

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