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ARLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Preparing for the ACT, Postsecondary and Career Curriculum Guide
Purpose: This course, Preparing for the ACT, Postsecondary and Career, is intended to support preparation for the ACT postsecondary readiness assessment and student exploration of postsecondary pathways.
10th Grade Course Development
Semester Guide
Language Arts Component Leads 1st 9 weeks: Modules 1, 3, 2
2nd 9 weeks: Modules 4, 5
Math Component Leads
1st 9weeks:Modules1,4,5or1,2,5 2nd 9 weeks: Modules 3, 2 or 4, 3
*It was recommended that the Science be taught after Reading.
English and Reading Course Components
Week 1 - 2
Ø Review Course
Ø Online Interest Inventory
Ø Summarize Components of ACT
• Reading: Main Idea, Supporting Detail, and Inference/Evaluation
• Science: Data Representation, Research Summary, Conflicting Viewpoints
• English: Usage/Mechanics, Rhetorical Skills
• Math: Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra, Intermediate
Algebra/Coordinate Geometry, Plane Geometry/Trigonometry
Weeks 3-4
Practice Test English (45 minutes, 75 questions): Measures standard written English knowledge and skills along with English Language conventions
• Identify why skills tested on ACT English are relevant to career and postsecondary plans.
• Understand and apply knowledge of the structure and format of the ACT English Test
o Thetesthasfiveessaysandcontentofthetestis typically broken down into the following English subject areas:
o 45-60percentusage/mechanics
§ 10-15 percent punctuation
§ 15-20 percent grammar and usage § 20-25 percent sentence structure
o 40-55percentrhetoricalskills § 15-20 percent strategy
§ 10-15 percent organization
§ 15-20 percent style
• Review Practice Test Results and develop individual plan to
improve performance
• Introduce and apply English Skills
• ACT English Strategies
o Considerthestyleofthewritingusedineachessay when answering the questions. The five essays are written in a variety of styles and some questions will