Page 19 - Professional Profile FDT
P. 19
o Readingquestionscarefully
o Readingallanswerchoicescarefully
o Eliminatingwronganswers
o Underliningimportantdetailsorscanninginformation
o Answeringeveryquestion
o Checkinganswers
o Markingyourtestdocumentpreciselyanderasingcompletely o Guessingthesameletterchoicethroughoutthetest
o Understandingthereisonlyonecorrectanswer
o Skippingquestionsthataremorechallengingandreturningto
answer or guess as a time-management strategy
Week 8-9 Post Tests: English and Reading
Science/Math Course Components
Week 1 - 2
Ø Review Course
Ø Online Interest Inventory
Ø Summarize Components of ACT
• Reading: Main Idea, Supporting Detail, and Inference/Evaluation
• Science: Data Representation, Research Summary, Conflicting Viewpoints
• English: Usage/Mechanics, Rhetorical Skills
• Math: Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra, Intermediate
Algebra/Coordinate Geometry, Plane Geometry/Trigonometry
Weeks 3-4
• Practice Test Math (60 minutes, 60 questions): Measures mathematical skills students have typically acquired in courses taken up to the beginning of grade 12
• Identify why skills tested on ACT Math are relevant to career and postsecondary plans.
• Understand and apply knowledge of the structure and format of the ACT Math Test
o Thecontentofthetestistypicallybrokendownintothe following math subject areas:
§ 20-25% Pre-Algebra
§ 15-20% Elementary Algebra
§ 15-20% Intermediate Algebra § 15-20% Coordinate Geometry § 20-25% Plane Geometry
§ 5-10% Trigonometry
o Calculatorsareallowedfortheentiresubtest
• Review Practice Test Results and develop individual plan to
improve performance
• Introduce, review and apply Math Skills
• Use ACT Math Strategies to maximize performance
o Memorizeandbefluentusingcertaincommon formulas and concepts.
o Practicewiththesamecalculatortobeusedonthe actual test. Note that cell phones may not be used as calculators during the test.
o Findthecorrectanswerunderthegivenchoices;plug answer choices into the question when possible.