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Tennessee Academy for School Leaders Individual Professional Learning Plan
For: Felicia Turner________________________________________ Position: Assistant Principal_________________________________________ School/District: Arlington High School/Arlington Community Schools TASL Cohort or TN College/University Union University
Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standard(s) to be Strengthened (TILS, 2013): Standard A: Instructional Leadership for Continuous Improvement
2. Builds capacity of educators to provide all students a rigorous curriculum, aligned with Tennessee-adopted state standards.
4. Leads educators to develop and execute interventions to address all students’ learning needs, grounded in multiple sources of data
(academic, social, and/or emotional).
Desired Outcomes:
Identify 2-3 outcomes you plan to achieve during this two-year academy. What data source informed your decision? (i.e., self-assessment, refinement goals identified in most recent evaluation, school improvement goals, etc.). All goals/outcomes must align with TILS (2013). Outcome statements should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time sensitive.
Outcome #1: Increase the percent of students with disabilities performing at “on-track or mastered” expectation levels by 3% state English and Math exams known as TNReady or TCAP by the 2020-21 School year.
Outcome #2: Decrease the failure rate of students with disabilities in co-teaching Algebra I and English I classes by 3% using research-based instructional strategies and interventions to meet students various needs Fall 2020.
Outcome #2: Increase the consistency of teacher compliance and participation in the Biology PLC process by 60% by Spring 2021.
***Outcome #1: Increase the percentage of students performing at “on track or mastered” expectations by 3% on the predictive, Benchmark CASE assessment in Biology by the Spring 2021 Case Administration.
***Outcome #2: Decrease the failure rate of students with disabilities and English Language Learners in Biology I classes each grading period by 3% using research-based instructional strategies and interventions to meet students’ various needs by Spring 2021.