Page 4 - Professional Profile FDT
P. 4
Action Steps
Identify the major action steps you plan to take for each outcome you are working toward. Be specific.
Outcome #1 Action Steps:
• Collaborate with administrative team and English/Math/SPED Biology PLC lead to determine target areas to address based a review of Spring 2019 2020 CASE assessment data.
• Coordinate data review of Spring 2019 2020 assessment results with Special Education Co-teachers team leader and Biology PLC. During this data dig, we will determine areas they can specifically impact based on data while planning with their General Education Teachers intervention and ongoing instruction.
• Provide professional development focused on identifying and implementing strategies that address students social-emotional or behavioral barriers to co- teacher teams.
• Based on co-teacher book study of The Behavior Code by Jessica Minahan, provide teachers with toolkit to provide strategies and tools that can impact educational practices.
• Coordinate review of Fall 2020 Case Review with Kirkland Consultant and Biology PLC.
Identify the potential resources required to achieve your identified outcomes.
• Mid-term progress reports (Co- teaching English 9, English 10, Algebra I, and Geometry)
• Final grade reports (Co-teaching English 9, English 10, Algebra I, and Geometry)
• RTI Team Meeting Notes/Action Items
• Co-teaching team sign-in
• Professional Development sign-in
• Weekly Radar Lists
• District Office
o Department of Special
o Accountability
• Toolkit of resources for Special Education and General Education Teachers
• Data Tracking forms
• Assessment Feedback
• Intervention Plans
• Intervention Recommendations
• Tips for Effective Studying
Briefly describe the process for completing each identified action step. Note any benchmarks of success you experienced.
• PD Session Attendance Records
• Co-Teaching Team Reports
• Grade Reports
• Disaggregated Assessment Data
• Progress Monitoring
• Classroom Visits
o Identifying Strategies Implemented
o Documenting changes in practices
• PLC Notes
• Assessment Scores
• Intervention Strategies