Page 6 - Professional Profile FDT
P. 6
***UPDATED ACTION STEPS: Identify the major action steps you plan to take for each outcome you are working toward. Be specific.
Identify the potential resources required to achieve your identified outcomes.
Briefly describe the process for completing each identified action step. Note any benchmarks of success you experienced.
• Collaborate with administrative team and Kirkland Consultant to determine target areas to address based on PLC feedback, gradebook review, parent feedback, and formal/informal observations.
• Coordinate data review of 2019- 2020 CASE assessment results with Biology PLC. During this data dig, we will determine areas that can assist individuals in need of assistance and determine strategies to assist them during the regular class and STRIPES. In the event that teachers cannot utilize STRIPES for intervention, the team will include ideas for virtual or hybrid intervention.
• Facilitate professional development with Consultant from Kirkland Group to assist teachers to address with identifying strategies to increase the use of differentiated instruction in the classroom.
Outcomes #1:
• Intervention/Assessment Reports/Data Conference Sheets
• Pacing Guides
• PLC Attendance
• PLC notes / communication / follow- up / agenda
• CASE Results
• TN Biology Standards
• Pacing Guides
• Instructional Calendar
• Intervention Plans
• Assessment Analysis Outcome #2:
• Mid-term Progress Reports
• Final Grade Reports
• Toolbox of Strategies (Located in OneDrive)
Outcome #1:
• Review CASE Data
o PROGRESS: The PLC reviewed Case
Results on October 30 and April 22. We analyzed items and determined with which standards items aligned. We also selected types of items our students needed additional practice and classroom activities to support these practice items.
o CASE Analysis: CASE Fall 2019 projected 50.6% Proficiency on the Biology EOC, CASE Fall 2020 projected 63.7% Proficiency on the Biology EOC.
• Documentation of Intervention
o PROGRESS: Using Common
Assessment data and CASE data, teachers provided updates of which individual students needed intervention or additional instruction on tested standards. These were recorded on Data Conference Sheets by each teacher. They were responsible for updating and providing the forms and documentation to me periodically (after Formative or Summative Assessments) for review beginning in September 2019.