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Yeladim (1—3 years)

       Katan (Pre-K and K)                                            New Israeli village tyke

                                                                     track for preschoolers

                                                                            Low camper to staff ratio

                                                                           Senior counselors are early

                                                                                      childhood educators

                                                                                 ** Daily instructional &

                                                                                           recreational swim

                                                                                ** Healthy kosher lunch

                                                                                    Shabbat celebrations

                                                                        Fun-filled activities including

                                                                                  sports, cooking, dance,

                                                                                        music, arts & crafts

                                                                Judaic activities and celebrations

                                                            My Jewish Discovery Place Museum

                                                            ** only available at Plantation campus

      New artificial turf preschool soccer

       field to be ready for summer camp!
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