Page 7 - CAMP BROCHURE 2025f
P. 7
Bus Transportation
First-come, first-served
7. All medications must be provided to the
camp director in original containers with
Transportation will be available at the Coral
patient’s and doctor’s name and dosage
Springs JCC location at our Heron Lakes Family
instructions. Parents must sign a consent Center at 5601 Coral Ridge Drive. Parents
form prior to JCC staff administering any
must remain with children until the bus
arrives and must be at the pick up point in
8. All campers receive a camp shirt during the time for the return of the bus, unless the child
first week of camp. Additional shirts may be is enrolled in extended care at the originating
1. It is the policy of the JCC to apply all purchased for $18 each. Camp shirts must location. Children must be going into
payments in a priority order. Only be worn on field trip days. kindergarten or older to take the bus.
after outstanding program and regis-
9. JCC accident insurance is required for all Pick up time/return time
tration balances are fully paid will any
campers and is $48 per year. Accident
payment be credited to the camp bal- Heron Lakes Family Center:
insurance is secondary to the camper’s
ance. There will be a fee of $35 for any 8:00 AM pick up & return approx. 4:40 PM
family insurance.
returned check or declined credit card
Extended care for all bus campers
transaction. 10. If there are any restraining orders or custody
conditions, appropriate papers MUST BE $69 per week for any time after the bus
2. All cancellations or changes must be
FILED AT THE FRONT OFFICE prior to the returns until 6:00 PM.
made in writing. There will be NO
beginning of camp. You MUST also notify
refunds for withdrawals after camp has
the Camp Director.
begun. Camp deposits and/or tuition COUNSELORS IN TRAINING (CIT’s)
fees are non-transferable and non- 11. The JCC reserves the right, in its sole
refundable. discretion, to cancel or modify any camp There are limited number of positions in the
program at any time for any reason JCC Camp Program for ages 15 and up who
3. The JCC does not provide refunds or
whatsoever. wish to work as assistants to our junior &
credits for absences, whether it be for
senior counselors for the full summer season.
illness, vacation, inclement weather or 12. Upon request, the JCC will make an effort to
relocation. NO exceptions. place children with their friends. However, JCC management, in its sole discretion, will
JCC management reserves the right, in its determine a CIT’s assigned group and reserves
4. The JCC reserves the right, in its sole
sole discretion, to determine groupings. the right to change assigned groups at any
discretion, to dismiss any camper
time for any reason whatsoever.
whose conduct is deemed 13. The JCC is not responsible for any errors or
detrimental to the best interest and omissions in this brochure or the registration Community service hours are given at the
safety of himself/herself or others. form. completion of camp.
In such cases, there will be no refund.
14. In order to receive the earlybird special,
5. Prior to the start of camp, an a $150 deposit per child & $50 family
Emergency Medical Authorization
registration fee are due with a complet-
MUST be on file for your child. This Summer fun is
ed registration form. Earlybird applies
includes authorization for treatment
to the total summer camp invoice.
and ambulance transportation in the timeless & memories
event of a serious incident. 15. The Soref JCC reserves the right, in its
6. A nutritious Kosher lunch is provided sole discretion, to give campers as last a lifetime
for all camps (only on-site Plantation). many smiles as possible and the JCC
assumes no liability for excessive