Page 31 - FELISCKA
P. 31

Number (angka): one, two, three, four, five,

                          dan sebagainya.

                          Quantifier  (jumlah):  some,  any,  several,

                          many, much, few, dan lain-lain.

                          Article (artikel): a, an, the.

                          Preposition  of  place  (kata  keterangan

                          tempat):  on,  under,  in,  beside,  above,

                          behind, dan lain-lain.


                          There is a picture on the wall. (Ada sebuah

                          lukisan di dinding)

                          There  are  15  chairs  in  the  classroom.  (Ada

                          15 kursi di kelas)

                          There  are  10  chalks  in  the  box.  (Ada  10

                          kapur di kotak)

              24  I Vocabulary
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