Page 12 - Research Compliance Report
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Introduction to Malware Trend 1 October 22, 2020 National
Threats Micro
ICpEP Regional Virtual ICpEP 4 December 5, Regional
Convention - "Enhancing 2020
Computer Engineering
profession in the new Normal
Digital Classroom On- PSITE 8 October 10, 2020 National
boarding and Certification
program (StackED)
SARAi e-skwela: An online DOST-CAR 20 Nov 30-Dec 1, National
training on smarter & UPLB 2020
technologies, practices, and
innovations for agricuture
Learn how to Earn at HOme: DICT 2 October 21, 2020 Regional
Creating Design and Writing
Internet of Things DICT 2 October 24, 2020 Regional
CCNAv7: Introduction to CISCO 96 July 13-Aug 7, Internation
Networks 2020 al
Evolution of Cybersecurity Fortinet 40 April 1-26, 2020 Internation
Introduction to Packet Tracer CISCO 8 July 14, 2020 Internation
The Threat Landscape Fortinet 40 April 1-26, 2020 Internation
Introduction to Cybersecurity CISCO 40 October 10-14, Internation
2020 al
Introduction to Internet of CISCO 40 October 16-20, Internation
Things 2020 al
Flexible, blended, outcomes, IFSU 8 August 19, 2020 Local
assessment with rubrics and
online learning in the new