Page 2 - Research Compliance Report
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1. The RDET is being manned by highly qualified personnel of the university.
2. The college has an RDET office equipped with ICT connections, statistical
software, etc. manned by highly qualified and competent designated faculty
3. The research capabilities of faculty and competence are strong as shown in its
significant output through research presentation in national and international
4. The granting of a regular time slot for the University every Saturday in the
DWAL FM Station of the Municipality of Alfonso Lista serves a very important
alternative delivery systems of information about the RDET activities of Potia
5. The launching of “Sirib en SuQsuk” strengthen the research communication
and participation of faculty.
1. The University may encourage faculty to conduct more research by providing
more funds especially to those developmental and experimental researches.
2. The faculty should publish research output either in local, national and
international refereed journals for dissemination purposes.
3. Faculty are encouraged to apply for copyright, utility model, or patenting
whichever is applicable upon completion of their research outputs.
Evidence of
1. The institution may The institution conducted Pictures
encourage the participation series of call for the Approved
of all stakeholders such as agenda setting which 100% Proposals based
students, faculty, includes line agencies of on Work & financial
government agencies, and the government; to name a Plan;
others in the formulation of few; the Department of Working Research
research agenda as basis for Education, Dept. of papers by the
identifying institution trusts Agriculture, PNP, DOH, students & the
and priorities. DENR and others. faculty
2. It is recommended that Faculty are encouraged to Documents
researches be conducted by present and published Presented
the faculty and students papers in local, national, research in local
which may be considered to and international refereed and international
be published in refereed journals and fora. 100% fora and
national and international submission of
journals publication into
refereed journals