Page 5 - OH Chesed Book New Layout 2020-2021
P. 5


        Friendship Circle

        Friendship Circle is a Chabad affiliated organization aiding “special needs” children.
        Volunteers  are  needed   for home   visits  (Friends  at Home  program),  Sunday Circle
        group activities, and to chaperone and assist kids and their parents through a host
        of different yearly events.

        To sign up:
        See Rabbi Meyer

        JEP Long Island

                                  JEP (Jewish Education Program) is a premier Kiruv organization in our area. The
                                  JEP office located in Lawrence is often in need of volunteers to fill various roles
                                  such as manning telephones, mailings, phone squad, and other needs. Work
                                  in  a  pleasant  and  professional  environment  while  assisting  this  very  worthy

        To sign up:
        Call 516-374-1528

        Kids of Courage

        Kids of Courage is an organization located in the Five Towns but serves the
        broader Jewish community and is committed to bringing simcha to very ill
        children. The organization needs volunteers to assist on Shabbatons, Melave
        Malkas,  trips,  and  other  events.  Kids  for  Courage  also  arranges  “Birthday
        Visits” for sick children.  Note: You must be 17 years or older to volunteer.

        To sign up:
        Call Mr. Kafka


        Kulanu is a local school that services special needs students. The Hanhala of
        the school is looking for volunteers to assist in many ways. You can volunteer to
        become a big buddy, a tutor, or a shadow in shul on Shabbos. You can also be
        set  up  to  visit  a  local  Kulanu  student  on  Shabbos.  In  addition  to  all  these
        opportunities, Kulanu also organizes several special events throughout the year. Consider offering your
        assistance to this unique school and its students.

        To sign up:
        Call Mr. Jonathan Cooper
        516-569-3083 ext. 135
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