Page 11 - inside story complete
P. 11
Limudei Kodesh Faculty
Rabbi Tsvi Greenfield (since 2013) Rabbi Avi Schulman (since 2013)
9 Grade Iyun/11 Grade Bekiyus 9 Grade Iyun/11 Grade Bekiyus
Rabbi Greenfield learned in Yeshivas Toras Moshe for Rabbi Schulman learned for seven years in
three years followed by another three years in the Mir Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim and Bais Medrash
Yeshiva under Rabbi Elimelech Resnick, with whom Gavoha in Lakewood. He then served for many
he maintains a close kesher. He received semicha years as a valued Rebbe in Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu
from Rav Moshe Shternbach. He is a graduate of of Los Angeles. At Ohr Eliyahu Rabbi Schulman
the Torah u’Mesorah’s Merkaz Teacher Training also managed the overall Junior-High-School
Program and has a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Excelsior programming and student development programs,
College. Before joining MAY, he was Assistant to the and was a respected magid shiur in the community
Rosh HaYeshiva and Maggid Shiur in Yeshivas Ohr and adult education programs. He earned a
HaChaim in Queens and a DRS Night Seder Chaburah reputation for complete dedication to his talmidim
Rebbe. Rabbi Greenfield continues to deliver weekly and his innovative programming and initiatives.
community Chumash shiurim in his home and, during Rabbi Schulman holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from
the summer, serves as CIT Division Head at Camp Charter Oak University and an M.A. in Educational
Areivim in Inwood. Leadership from Bellevue University.
Rabbi Shlomo Karp (since 2016) Rabbi Leibe Wolf (since 1993)
10 Grade Iyun/9 Grade Bekiyus 10 Grade Iyun/ 9 Grade Bekiyus
Rabbi Karp learned at Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim A musmach of Rav Avraham Pam, zt”l, Rabbi Wolf
and Yeshiva Ohr HaChaim. He received smicha taught in Torah Vadaath prior to joining MAY. He
from Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg and Rav is involved in kiruv programs for yeshiva students
Binyamin Rabinovicci. He has extensive experience and adults. Rabbi Wolf has served in variety of
in chinuch having served as HALB 8th grade Rebbe chinuch positions at summer camps, including
and a 12th grade Rebbe at Yesodei Yeshurun. He serving as learning rebbe and night seder
also has a BA in Psychology from Yeshiva University. mashgiach at Camp Romimu and learning rebbe
at Camp Rayim.
Rabbi Yehoshua Robinson (since 2012)
11 Grade Iyun/10 Grade Bekiyus Rabbi Shmuel Oratz (since 2000)
11 Grade Iyun/10 Grade Bekiyus
A musmach of Bais Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood,
Rabbi Robinson studied in Eretz Yisroel for two A musmach of Rav Tuvia Goldstein, zt”l, Rabbi Oratz
years, after which he learned under the tutelage also learned under Rabbi Chaim Epstein. Before
of HaRav Zelig Epstein, zt”l, in Yeshivas Sha’ar joining MAY, he was a rebbe at Yeshiva of Brooklyn
HaTorah and became a close talmid of HaRav for eight years. As an eleventh grade Rebbe, Rabbi
Kalman Epstein. He learned in the Toronto Oratz provides individualized attention to all of his
Community Kollel for five years, learning with and students, facilitating their transitions into the more
giving shiurim to community members and high rigorous upper-class studies. He brings many years
school students. Most recently, Rabbi Robinson of General Studies experience to his role as faculty
directed the Mekor Boruch Program at Yeshivas advisor for our two student publications, the weekly
Zichron Aryeh in Far Rockaway. digest of divrei Torah, Ateres HaShavua and the
school newspaper, Ateres Star.
Rabbi Yonasan Sprung (since 2013)
12 Grade Rabbi Yehuda Orlansky (since 2011)
12 Grade
Rabbi Sprung studied at Yeshivas Sha’alvim for
two years and then attended Yeshiva University, A veteran of Yeshiva Bais Moshe of Scranton,
where he graduated as Valedictorian of his class Yeshiva of Philadelphia, Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim,
with a B.A. in Economics. He returned to Eretz and Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood under
Yisroel and studied at Yeshivas Derech HaTalmud Rabbi Yisroel Neuman, Rabbi Orlansky received
for six years and then at Yeshivas Chevron under certification from the Va’ad Chizuk, under the
the famous Musar personality, Rav Naftali Kaplan. direction of Rav Eli Wolbe, focusing on kiruv krovim.
Rabbi Sprung taught for three years at Yeshivas He also participated in a two year course from Rav
Derech HaTalmud where he also directed the Bekius Eber, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Ohr Yisroel in Petach
program and subsequently, joined Yeshivas Ohr Tikvah, focusing on developing self esteem in
Yerushalayim, where his unique talents made him a adolescents.
star mechanech.